- the fillet welds in nozzle stubs of thermal meter 热工仪表接管座角焊缝
- weld in nozzle 焊入式喷嘴
- Nondestructive test for fillet welds in nozzle stubs of HP utility boilers 电站高压锅炉管座角焊缝的无损检测
- Say Welding in English,Communicate Boundlessly! 英语话焊接,沟通无国界!
- Erode-resistant steel tube welded in layer-welding is born in Jap. 层焊接耐腐蚀钢管在日本问世。
- The BOPP must be for heat welding in a FLOW PACK machine. BOPP膜必须是热封吹塑。如有不明之处,请与我们联系。
- Seat rings are stellite faced and securely welded in place. 阀座环视钨铬钴合金表面,并且通过焊接方式安全的安装在所在位置上。
- This indicated that the fracture had initiated at the unfused butt weld in the longitudinal stiffener. 研究表明裂纹是从纵向加劲助未熔透的对接焊缝中起始的。
- Indicates a weld in a flanged edge groove. Lines will elongate when height is increased. 指示在折缘沟中焊接。线可随着深度的增加而拉长。
- Restoration for defects of nozzle fillet weld in liquefied gas tank 液化气储罐接管角焊缝缺陷修复
- The two SEDS processes referringto carbon dioxide and solvent are mixed in nozzle before spraying into vessel, obtainhigh turbulent intensity and homogeneous distribution of solvent. 在相同工艺条件下,喷嘴内部存在混合腔的SEDS过程得到的湍流强度大,溶剂分布均匀,更容易得到粒径小且分布均匀的微粒。
- A Langmuir probe diagnosis system was established to explore the characteristics of MPT plume in vacuum environment. Some important parameters such as electronic temperature and electron density were abtained in nozzle plume. 为了探索微波等离子推力器(MPT)羽流的特性,建立了一套Langmuir探针诊断系统并对MPT的羽流进行了诊断,得出了MPT喷管羽流的电子温度和电子数密度等重要特性参数。
- The wind was whispering in the trees. 一阵风穿过树林沙沙作响。
- This month a mining firm called Lynas Corporation raised A$450m ($400m) to develop the richest deposit of rare earths outside China, at Mount Weld in Western Australia. 本月,莱纳斯矿业公司(LynasCorporation)筹款4.;5亿澳元(合4亿美元),开发中国境外储量最大的西澳大利亚威尔德山(MountWeld)稀土矿。
- The prefabrication of riser in nozzle section, the prefabrication of nozzle easing, the welding of easing &riser and the installation of nozzle were introduced in detail with this paper. 其喷嘴为改造的重要部分,采取喷嘴套筒与提升管整体预制的方法,达到了预期的效果。
- There are 26 letters in the English alphabet. 英语字母表中有26个字母。
- There is a vein of melancholy in his character. 他的性格中有少许忧郁的气质。
- Momentum of metal liquid in nozzle and level fluctuation in twin-roll pool were measured under different conditions, including immerging depth of nozzle, current and magnetic field. 文中对熔池液面的波动情况进行了物理模拟。实验观测了有无电磁制动及不同水口浸入深度等条件下,熔池液面的波动情况,并测量了水口金属液冲击力的相对变化。
- There was a long lag in forwarding mail to us. 转寄给我们的邮件晚了很久才拿到。
- A cloud is a mass of vapor in the sky. 云是天空中的水汽团。