- Some hours weigh against a whole lifetime, don't they? 几个钟头抵得过整整一生,是不是?
- The number of balls you weigh against each other must be equal. 天平两边的球的数量必须是相同的。
- "That must weigh against any blot of sin on my soul, however dark! “不管我其他的罪过多么黑暗,这件事也足以抵消这些罪孽。
- Only the arguments about congestion and social friction seem to weigh against liberal immigration policies. 看来唯有人口密集和社会摩擦的理由不利于自由移民的政策。
- His laziness will weigh against him when the new appointments are being decided. 在决定新的提升时,他的懒惰对他不利。
- The mistakes will weigh against you when the new appointments are being decided. 你工作中的差错会在决定提升时对你不利。
- Also, if there were reason to believe that trauma counseling might be harmful, this would weigh against its use. 同时,如果有任何理由相信创伤后的心理治疗可能有害,也不利于它的实施。
- This is a side effect of a particular Web application architecture that developers need to weigh against security and auditing requirements. 这对特定Web应用程序结构会产生副作用,因为开发人员需要衡量安全性和审计要求。
- They weigh against an individual who may not give full play to his ability in the examination during which he doesn't feel very well physically or mentally. 而且考试时有的孩子会感觉身体不适,或有心理负担,这也会影响他们充分发挥自己的水平。
- The quality of the product must be weighed against its cost. 产品的质量必须与它的成本相权衡一下才行。
- This point deserves to be carefully weighed against its result. 这一点与它的结果相权衡值得慎重考虑。
- Environmentalists inadvertently reinforce this tendency when they focus on the priceless attractions of nature, which are deeply meaningful but difficult to weigh against more pressing concerns. 而当环境学者把焦点都放在自然无价的魅力上时,无形中也强化了上述的现象,因为自然界无价的魅力虽然很有意义,但却很难与其他更紧迫的事情匹敌。
- Don't let it weigh on your mind. 你不要因此背包袱。
- Buying a house is the best hedge against inflation. 购买房子是防止通货膨胀的最佳保障。
- Didn't the nurse's accident weigh on her at all? 这个护士的事故难道不使她苦恼吗?
- The necessity of new buildings has to be weighed against the loss of green areas it will lead to. 建造新楼是很必要的,但我们也要平衡一下它将带来的绿地流失问题。
- Physics pales into insignificance when weighed against the esteem (or contempt) of one’s peers. 她们把物质世界和同辈的尊重(或是轻视)权衡利弊,而这也是一种生存方式。
- How many tons does this elephant weigh? 这头大象重多少吨?
- The huge trees were profiled against the night sky. 在夜空的映衬下显出大树的轮廓。
- Such recommendations will weigh in his favour. 这种推荐将对他大有好处。