- A butterfly must not be confused with a moth. 不得将蝴蝶和飞蛾混同起来。
- A moth was fluttering round the lamp. 有一只蛾子扑打著翅膀绕著灯飞。
- This piece of cloth was eaten by a moth. 这块布被蠹虫蛀坏了。
- The moth's habitat is being destroyed and it has nearly died out. 这种蛾子因栖息地正受到破坏,几乎绝种了。
- He was enmeshed in a web of deceit and lies. 他陷入充满诡计和谎言的圈套。
- His third play appeared under the title "The Web". 他的第三个剧本用《网》作书名出版。
- Who can understand the web of life? 谁能弄懂这错综复杂的人生?
- The lease of our flat falls in next moth. 我们公寓的租约下月到期。
- The moth has been a great threat to the farm. 飞蛾是这个农场的大患。
- Its colour makes the moth indistinguishable from the branch it rests on. 这蛾子停在树枝上,其颜色和树枝几不可辨。
- California moth whose larvae live in esp. oranges. 加利福尼亚蛾子,其幼虫尤其喜生活在柑橘树上。
- A month in advance. Twelve moth lease. 提前一月付租。12个月的租期。
- Spiders also attack the much-feared gypsy moth. 蜘蛛也袭击令人害怕的舞毒蛾。
- These eggs belong to the pale green luna moth. 这些卵是淡绿色月形天蚕蛾的。
- Specification for using flat woven webbing slings. 港口装卸用带式吊索使用技术条件。
- It's like a moth flying into the flames. 这简直是“飞蛾投火”。
- It also allow you to log event and generate report on web activity. 也允许您记载事件并产生Web活动的报告。
- What salary do you expect per moth? 你月薪希望多少?
- A late moth blustered in to find the fire. 一只迟栖的飞蛾,拼命扑向烈火。