- network based learning community 网络学习社区
- NET is a new Internet and Web based infrastructure. NET是一个新因特网和以网络为基础的下部组织。
- Web Based MMS Integrated Communication System ? 基于Web 的MMS 集成通信系统(英文)
- Nikos Drakos, Computer BASEd Learning Unit, UniversITy of Leeds. 作者:佚名技巧来源:不详点击数:更新时间:2005-11-26
- To build a learning community of active and responsible citizens of sound character imbibed with values based on Christian teachings. 培养好学、积极向上、富有责任感及具有基督良好品格的公民。
- SMK_Tenom,_Sabah_ SMK Tenom adalah sekolah pertama di negeri Sabah yang dipasang aplikasi WSMS (Web base School Management System) dan LCMS (Learning Content Management System). 北京大学光华管理学院中国最好的商学院之一,为国家经济建设培养高水平的管理人才。
- Provide web based interface to manage mailboxes, virtual domains and aliases. 无限制的虚拟域和虚拟用户;
- Virtual Learning Community is based on the social constructivist learning theory, computer and network technology for the realization of relying on the virtual community online learning platform. 虚拟学习社区是依据社会建构主义学习理论,以计算机和网络技术为依托实现在线学习的虚拟社区平台。
- Some salutary ways to improve networked learning community's capability has been propound from social constructivism angle. 从社会建构主义的角度,详细解释了提高共同体学习的有效学习方式。
- CGI simply cannot compare with web based applications that are not limited to HTML. cgi根本比不过那些不受HTML限制的网络应用程序。
- The thesis also discussed subgroup the centrality of virtual learning community. 利用社会网络分析研究协作学习还需要进一步探讨。
- A web based customer service Intranet system for mobile phone customer service and repair center. 是基于手机客户服务及维修建立的企业内联网。
- Many schoolers have researched BBS Learning Community from various angles ,and they have obtained a lot of outcome. 对BBS学习社区,国内外很多研究者从各个角度展开研究,并取得了很多成果。
- Today even the most remote surveillance stations are tied into the Web based Program for Monitoring Emerging Diseases. 如今,甚至处于最边远的监控站也使用联网的程序监视正在出现的疾病。
- C wiki.C.O is a learning community for developing and sharing educational materials for free. 是一个学习社区为了发展和分享教育材料免费。
- FAO-GeoNetwork - FAO-GeoNetwork is a web based Geographic Data and Information Management System. FAO-GeoNetwork-FAO-GeoNetwork是一个网上地理数据和信息管理系统。
- Jones, M., 1993, Guidelines for screen design and user interface design in computer based learning environment, GA, UGA:Thesis. 杜在国(民85),自动仓储模型建立与系统优化,国立成功大学,机械工程研究所硕士论文
- In two thousand four, the Sun Microsystems company launched the Global Education and Learning Community. 2004年,太阳计算机系统公司开启了全球教育和学习社区。
- Otherwise, I would never have known that E-learning, Open Distance Education; and Web Based Training (WBT) all mean essentially the same thing! 否则我永远都不会知道在线学习、远程开放教育以及网上培训(WBT),这些其实都是一回事。
- C.O is a learning community for developing and sharing educational materials for free. 是一个学习社区为了发展和分享教育材料免费。