- Stepped is a weak form; swam and swum are strong. Stepped 是按规则变化的形式,swam 和 swum 是不按规则变化的形式。
- Many common words have a weak form, with /E/, when unstressed. 许多常见的单词都有弱读形式。当非重读时,读作/E/。
- Deriving equation, the more general weak form for elastic problems, was given. 摘要给出了弹性力学控制微分方程更为一般的弱形式-导出方程。
- The "optimum" weak form is the one for which the trial and test spaces coincide. “最优”的弱解是在测试空间和试验空间重合时得出的。
- In the second part of the paper, the generalization of Cauchy mean value theorem is discussed and its weak form is given. 本文的第二部分讨论了Cauchy中值定理的推广,并给出了它的弱形式。
- Besides reclassification of weak form efficient market, the text carries on empirical research about efficiency of our securities market. 本文的重点除了对弱势有效进行分类之外,还基于新建立的分析体系对我国证券市场效率进行了实证研究。
- In other words, people would be infected with a very weak form of HSV, one that is sufficient to trigger a sustained immune response but too frail to trigger disease outbreaks. 即人们需要感染一种致病力弱的HSV,这种病毒足以激发持久的免疫反应,但又不足以致病。
- We all know that vaccine is actually weak form of virus,basically they are the same,the difference is in the degree of virulence,yet causing opposite results on a normal body. 大家知道疫苗就是毒性大大减弱的病毒,两者在质上是相同的,区别在于毒性这个量上,可是它们对于一个正常人的肌体的作用却是截然相反的。
- In order to implement EFG method through computer program, the discrete equation from the variational principle (weak form) and the numerical implementation are described. 再次,论述了无网格伽辽金方法的位移近似函数和权函数,给出了变分方程及离散方程,以及数值求解的实现。
- In other words, people would be infected with a ery weak form of HS, one that is sufficient to trigger a sustained immune response but too frail to trigger disease outbreaks. 即人们需要感染一种致病力弱的HS,这种病毒足以激发持久的免疫反应,但又不足以致病。
- Fundamental principle of physics that in its weak form states that gravitational (see gravitation) and inertial (see inertia) masses are the same. Albert Einstein's stronger version states that gravitation and acceleration are indistinguishable. 物理学中用来说明引力和惯性力具有同等性质而且常常无法区分的一个原理。爱因斯坦较强烈的看法认为引力和加速度是不可分的。
- The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. 心有余而力不足。
- Reclassification of weak form efficient market and setting up a new analysis system can make effective and rational research to the poor efficiency of the new developing securities market. 对弱势有效的分类,建立一个新的弱势有效分析体系,能对新兴证券市场的低效率进行有效而合理的评价。
- Based on Hamilton variational principle, this paper established the weak form motion equations of a beam with a pair of electrostrictors (PMN-PT) or piezoceramics (PZT) patches bonded. 基于哈密顿变分原理,得到PMN-PT/PZT微尺度梁的智能结构系统运动方程的弱形式,用伽辽金方法建立起该系统的状态方程。
- Rhythm and the length of sounds ii. Rhythm and sound linking iii. Rhythm and assimilation iv. Rhythm and weak forms v. 课是课重点:英语节律,音长、连读、同化、弱读、重读。
- Possibly they were sensing very brief, weak forms of bioelectricity such as brain waves and heart muscle contraction potentials. 有可能是非常短暂而微弱的生物电,如脑波与心肌收缩电位。
- The paint is sold in powdered form. 该油漆以粉制品形式出售。
- The shock make me go all weak at the knee. 这件事把我吓得两腿发软。
- Weichi to raise win of the model calculate capacity, the balanced dot idea that a kind of weaker form defined in article follows balanced drop namely. 为了提高博弈模型的预测能力,文中定义了一种较弱形式的均衡点概念即准均衡点。
- Most synthetic detergents are in the form of powder or liquid. 大多数合成洗涤剂呈粉状或液态。