- Abstract: Numerically solving equations governing the variations of the beam size and the curvature of wave front in the logarithmically nonlinear media( LNM), the propagating characteristics of Gaussian beams have been described in detail. 文摘:根据对数型非线性介质中高斯光束的束宽和波阵面曲率变化所满足的耦合方程,采用数值计算对高斯光束的传输特性进行了详细的分析。
- At each interface the spreading wave front is made discontinuous. 在每一分界面上扩展的波前出现间断。
- It starts with zero and grows to a maximum slightly behind the wave front. 它从零值开始,并在稍后于波阵面处增长到最大值。
- Curvature Relation of Wave Front and Wave in External Field 外界场作用下的波前曲率关系和波形变化
- The radii are proportional to the time which has elapsed since the wave front occupied the position wi. 半径与波前占据wi位置以来能经过的时间成正比。
- This assumption is reasonably justified in the early stages, when the wave front is not far from ground zero. 这种假定在初期阶段波阵面离地面零点不远时是相当合理的。
- If a refraction or a reflecting body is irreqular, the wave front undergoes a deformation. 如果折射体或反射体是不规则的,波前即产生变形。
- The planes of the wave front and the reflecting surface are also normal to the plane of the figure. 波阵面的诸平面与反射面都与图面垂直。
- If a refraction or a reflecting body is irregular, the wave front undergoes a deformation. 如果折射体或反射体是不规则的,波前即产生变形。
- When the incident wave front reaches this point, the reflected wave is still some distance away. 当入射冲击波波阵面到达这一点,反射波离开它还有一段距离。
- Successive wave fronts in this case form a series of concentric spheres. 相继波前形成了一系列的同心球面。
- High-pressure acting on samples were produced by shock wave front converging in metallic ball. 在该装置上 ,利用冲击波由金属球体表面向中心汇聚形成的高压 ,对样品进行了冲击处理 ;
- All elements are radiating in phase, and the resultant wave front is perpendicular to the axis of the element array. 所有单元发射相位一致,合成的波前垂直于单元阵列轴线。
- Radiation from air shock wave front produced by explosion is an excellent microsecond illuminant. 炸药爆炸产生的空气冲击波阵面的辐射是高速摄影中的一种良好的微秒级持续时间的照明光源。
- The pressure in wave front is greatly attenuated while the shock wave propagates through the small opening of rocks. 当冲击波在破碎岩块间传播时,湍流流动受壁面的影响很大。冲击波在通过孔隙后其波阵面的压力衰减程度较大。
- In intersatellite communications, wave front aberration is main factor in affecting far-field behavior of signal beam. 星间光通信中,波前畸变是影响信号光远场特性的主要因素。
- Such wave fronts are seperated from one another by one-half wavelength. 这种波阵面彼此间隔半个波长。
- Such wave fronts are separated from one another by one-half wavelength. 这种波阵面彼此间隔半个波长。
- The front cover of the novel has been torn off. 这本小说的封面已被撕掉。
- The results of simulated calculating shows the validity of projection onto constraints sets (POCS) in controlling wave front propagating. 模拟计算表明,该算法在控制光波前传播方面是有效的。