- This formula makes it easy to determine the wave length of sounds. 这一公式使得求声音的波长十分容易。
- The frequency, wave length and speed of sound are closely related. 频率、波长和声速三者是密切相关的。
- The frequency, wave length, and speed of sound are closely related. 频率,波长和声速三者是密切相关的。
- wave length of sound 声波波长
- Each band represents a deviation of one half wave length of the applied light. 每条光带表示所用光的一个半波的波长的偏差。
- Absorptivity, reflectivity and transmissivity depend upon the wave length of the rediant energy striking the surface and also upon the temperature of the surface. 吸收率,反射率和透射率取决于打在物体表面上的辐射能的波长,也和物体表面的温度有关。
- Absorptivity, reflectivity and transmissivity depend upon the wave length of the radiant energy striking the surface and also upon the temperature of the surface. 吸收率,反射率和透射率取决于打在物体表面上的辐射能的波长,也和物体表面的温度有关。
- This paper gave the calculation formula of minimum deviation angle of a prism and the curved relation line of minimum deviation angle varying with wave length of entrance light. 本文给出了棱镜最小偏向角的计算公式 ,最小偏向角随入射光波长变化的关系曲线。
- The length of Sound Barrier built on highway is limited usually.How to calculate diffracted attenuation accuratly in this case is the important part of sound barrier design. 摘要公路上设置的声屏障的长度一般为有限长,如何准确的计算出此种情况下声屏障的绕射衰减,是声屏障声学设计的关键。
- Absorptivity , reflectivity and transmissivity depend upon the wave length of the rediant energy striking the surface and also upon the temperature of the surface. 吸收率,反射率和透射率取决于打在物体表面上的辐射能的波长,也和物体表面的温度有关。
- Rhythm and the length of sounds ii. Rhythm and sound linking iii. Rhythm and assimilation iv. Rhythm and weak forms v. 课是课重点:英语节律,音长、连读、同化、弱读、重读。
- This river is ten times the length of that River. 这条河的长度是那条河的十倍。
- The very short wave lengths of ultrasound make a great difference in what ordinary sound waves can do. 超声波的波长极短,其功能与普通声波相比大不相同。
- She paced out the length of the room. 她用步子测量了房间的长度。
- He fished a length of string out of his pocket. 他从口袋里掏出一条绳子。
- You hit them, then a wave of sound floats out. 当敲击锣的时候,就有声音的回响传出来。
- You spend a ridiculous length of time in the bath. 你洗澡用那麽长时间,真不像话。
- Promotion will go by length of service. 晋升以服务年限为准。
- When did the first measurement of the speed of sound take? 第一次测量声速是在什么时候?
- This was getting rid of the cumbersome ? yet idolised in some quarters ? presence of Di Canio, not on the same wave length of coach Delio Rossi and of the rest of the management, while Liverani and Dabo were offloaded to Fiorentina and Man City. 球队扔掉了一些包袱,比如迪卡尼奥,这个并不听从罗西安排的球员,以及利维拉尼和达博,分别被扔去了佛罗伦萨和曼城。