- wave generating area 波浪发生区
- VHD - functions: the sine wave generated 156.25KHz. VHD --功能:产生156.;25KHz的正弦波。
- This type of easterly wave generated over the East China Sea,moving westward along the Yangtze River,will cause heavy precipitation over a wide area. 这类东风波产生于我国东南沿海,向西向北移动发展,深入内陆直达长江中游,造成大范围地区一次较强的降水过程。
- The children room below wave general style is decorated basically is to reflect small area more the collocation of color piece, highlight the lively nature of children. 波普风格下的儿童房布置更主要是体现小面积色块的搭配,突出儿童的活泼天性。
- The paper introduces the method of utilizing inductorium to demonstrate receiving circuit tune, transformation of surging circuit frequency, electromagnetic wave generating, launching and receiving. 介绍了利用感应圈演示接收电路的调谐、振荡电路频率的改变、电磁波的产生和电磁波的发射、接收的方法。
- They may rest in the same general area,or companionable animals may pair for sleeping while swimming. 它们可以在相同的普通区域里休息,或者友好的海豚会成对地在游动中睡觉。
- Beyond pointing out these general truisms, I shall confine my discussion to the general areas of Asia. 除了指出这些大家已明白的问题外,我将把讨论集中在亚洲地区。
- They may rest in the same general area, or companionable animals may pair for sleeping while swimming. 它们可以在相同的普通区域里休息,或者友好的海豚会成对地在游动中睡觉。
- "A lot of the crew are hikers and skiers, so we knew the general area," says Cushman. 和那天在山上的所有人一样,消防队员特里.;库什曼可以感觉到希望正一点点褪去。
- These phenomena could be caused by the effect of long-period wave generated from a large earthquake on far-field. 这些可能是大震的长周期波在远场的效应所致。
- In Wardak, for instance, a rocket landed in the general area of every polling centre. 比如在瓦尔达克,可以看见有火箭着陆在每个投票中心附近。
- A wave generated by an oscillator and transmitted on a communications channel; it is modulated to carry speech or data. 由振荡器产生并在通讯信道上传输的电波。它被调制后用来传送语音或其它信息。
- By using stored logic, a hardware method is implemented for sine wave generation by superposition of 18 step pulses. 该方案用存储逻辑实现18脉冲阶梯波STATCOM脉冲发生器的硬件。
- Application of fuel gas in generating area 燃气往复式内燃发电机组变废为宝
- Design using VHDL language of sine wave generator, but the basic operation of reference for learning! 利用VHDL语言设计的正弦波发生器,只是基本操作,仅供学习参考!
- To plan and build newly developed area of city in the present brooky area,it should be discriminatory with the general area. 在现状河网密集地区规划建设城市新区,应有别与一般地区。
- Adjustable square wave generator, square wave to control the amplitude, frequency, duty cycle. 可调方波发生器,可以控制方波的幅值,频率,占空比。
- One ridgeline may hold anywhere between two to six such bunkers.Persistent machinegun fire may be received from the general area for hours. 在一条山脊上,无论哪一处都可能会暗藏着2到6个那样的掩体。
- For instance, to clear a landing pad on Mars an army of bots can dumbly spend twelve hours a day scraping away soil in the general area. 比方说,要在火星表面清理出一块着陆场,移动机器人可以每天默默工作12小时刮平一般区域的泥土。
- Optional shock wave generator that introduced from Germany, which has the advantages in fragmentation efficiency, low noise and low cost of lithotripsy. 采用引进德国技术的电磁波源发生器,具有碎石效果好,无噪声,低成本碎石的优点。