- BAY SHUTTLE A free shuttle bus service system in waterfront area. 在临海副都心有免费的往返接送巴士服务。
- Next I would like to speak about the waterfront area which will serve as the main stage for the Olympics. 接下来我要谈谈将作为奥运会主要舞台的临海地域。
- A bridge in urban waterfront area is both the focus of local characteristics and the nodus of design. 滨水区域的景观桥梁是城市地域特色集中表现的荟萃点,也是设计的难点。
- This paper analyzes the development models of urban waterfront area at home and abroad after reviewing the problems of urban waterfront area facing us. 针对城市滨水区的发展及其面临问题,分析国内外关于城市滨水区开发模式。
- Continuity and barrier-free development of the Sumidagawa River esplanade will be promoted to allow everyone and anyone to enjoy the waterfront area. 促进隅田川广场的连续性和无障碍的开发,让每一个人都能自由地享受水边地区。
- The waterfront area of Onagigawa River, which served as the "Salt Road" during the Edo period, will be restored to lend an atmosphere of old Edo. 在江户时代被用作“盐道”的小名木川的水边地区将会得到修复,重现古江户时代的气氛。
- This paper analyzes the significance and necessity of urban waterfront area development,and puts forward the principle for its design and development. 分析了城市滨水地区开发的意义和必要性,提出了城市中心区滨河地区设计与开发应遵循的原则。
- Cities" waterfront area are cities" windows exhibiting the charm of cities, as a result, that we research that it is very significative in the field of landscape. 城市滨水区作为城市魅力的窗口,景观学领域来研究城市滨水区景观,其意义是非常重大的!
- This area is urbanized as it is adjacent to the ward area, and also full of good natural environment such as waterfront areas and greenery. 由于毗邻特别区,这个地区已经都市化了。但它还拥有良好的自然环境如水边区和绿化带。
- Through the compare with the landscape in Wuxi Lihu, this paper is to put forward the suggestion that the landscape construction in waterfront area should keep original, affectional, humanism, city and holistic. 文章最后通过对南京和无锡滨水景观的比较研究,提出南京滨水景观建设目前还需解决的问题,试图归纳出适合滨水景观建设的发展评价途径,维护滨水景观原始化特征、营造滨水景观情感化特征、感受滨水景观人性化特征、演绎滨水景观城市化特征、展示滨水景观整体化特征。
- With the example of the urban design international consultancy project of Shalihe Waterfront Area,Luohe City,and from the perspective of landscape design,new ideas of urban design are explored. 学科的发展需要多学科的融合、渗透,以漯河市沙澧河滨水区城市设计国际咨询项目为例,从园林设计的角度出发,探讨城市设计的新思路。
- Abstract:As the edge of the land and wet eco-system, the landscape ecological edge effect of urban waterfront area is manifest, such as complex biome structure and diverse habitat. 摘要:城市滨水区处在陆地与湿地生态系统的边界,其景观生态边界效应明显,如生物群落结构复杂,生境多样等,但同时也是城市游憩休闲空间的重要载体。
- Starting from connection of city and water,function and evolvement of urban waterfront area,the paper review the development of urban waterfront area design and summarize the past experience. 本论文从城市与水体的关系,城市滨水区功能及其演变的分析入手,回顾了城市滨水区规划设计发展的脉络,并总结了以往建设中的经验与教训。
- With the example of the urban design international consultancy project of Shalihe Waterfront Area, Luohe City, and from the perspective of landscape design, new ideas of urban design are explored. 首先介绍该项目规划设计过程中的规划思路、规划理念、城市结构和绿地结构。
- Waterfront area is the soul of an urban landscape space, and is also the urban open space of integrating a natural ecosystem with a constructed systems, highly shared characteristics. 摘要滨水区是城市景观空间的灵魂所在,是自然生态系统与人工建设系统交融的城市开放空间,具有极强的共享性特点。
- Model projects for development of a tourism community in cooperation with private sector initiatives are underway in the Ueno area and waterfront areas. 在上野地区和临海地区,正在展开与民间企业合作开发样板工程。
- He steered into the parking area. 他把车开进了停车区。
- The Government has commissioned a consultancy study since2004 to conduct a planning review for the ex-Kai Tak Airport site and the adjacent existing waterfront areas, and to consult the public for formulating a new development plan for Kai Tak. 近年政府就启德机场旧址以及邻接地区之现有海旁地带,聘请规划顾问进行规划检讨研究,并向公众谘询,以重新制定启德发展概念规划。
- The slum area was sordid and filthy beyond belief. 该贫民区之污秽肮脏简直令人难以置信。
- renovation of urban waterfront area 滨水区改造