- The water formed a cascade down the mountain. 水沿山泻下,形成一条瀑布。
- Barley, hops, yeast and water form the basic ingredients of beer. 大麦、蛇麻、酵母和水是啤酒的基本配料。
- One cubic of water forms 1 1/10 cubic feet of ice. 1立方英尺的水形成11/10立方英尺的冰。
- Water forms almost three fourths of the human body. 人体约四分之三都是水。
- With soap, soft water forms a lather immediately. 当使用肥皂时,软水立即形成泡沫。
- Water forms ice when it freezes. 水冻结时就形成冰。
- Water formed with hydrogen and oxygen. 水由氢和氧组成.
- The water formed into icicles on the window. 窗上的水结成了冰柱。
- Our species, both dolphin and whale, have has been present upon Earth for over 4 million years, but in a fresh water form. 我们物种,无论是海豚还是鲸鱼,都已在地球上存在了超过4亿年,但却是以淡水的形体。
- Defecate submits rare water form, companion has bellyacke, calorific, disgusting vomiting, appetite to be decreased greatly wait for a symptom. 大便呈稀水状,伴有腹痛、发热、恶心呕吐、食欲大减等症状。
- Earth and water form a part of the world, and this terrestrial part is sustained by the arts and sciences, without which the world would be imperfect in the eyes of God. 来自这个世界的土和水的部分,科学和艺术维持了陆地的部分,在上帝的眼里没有科学和艺术这世界是不完美的。
- For example, cities in the arid north are investing in costly desalination projects, and massive canals to divert water form Yangtze River to the north. 例如,干旱的华北地区城市都在投资成本高昂的海水淡化工程,以及向北方抽调长江水的南水北调工程。
- And the billabong handle of new design makes strong water form becomes follow one's inclinations, design of all these style makes water bath more free from worry and satisfied. 而新设计的分流把手使得冲水形式变得随心所欲,这一切时尚设计使得水浴更加愉快和舒服。
- Similarly, a magazine in England found that tap water form Thames River tasted better than several leading brands of bottled water that were 400 times more expensive. 同样,英国的一本杂志发现来自泰晤士河的自来水尝起来比几大领先品牌的瓶装水还要好,而这些瓶装水的价格则是自来水的400倍。
- A bed of loose sand mixed with water forming a soft, shifting mass that yields easily to pressure and tends to engulf any object resting on its surface. 流沙一种由松散的沙子和水混合成的沙层,形成一堆松软、移动的物质,在压力下很容易塌陷,并可吞没置留在沙面上的任何物质
- From this you can find out the ratio of oxygen reacting to water formed. 由此可以得出反应的氧与生成的水之间的比率。
- The clear water mirrored the blue sky. 清澈的水中映出蔚蓝的天空。
- The endless green wooded mountains and the rushing waters form a magnificent picture, like a scroll of Chinese landscape painting. 连绵的翠峦和不尽的波涛,天成一幅壮丽的山水画卷。
- A deep lake of melt water formed behind the frigid dam, fifing several valleys in Idaho and western Montana. 冰堰后面,冰雪消融形成了深深的湖泊,灌满了爱达荷州与蒙大拿州西部的若于个山谷。
- The nurse diluted the drug with saline water. 护士用生理盐水把药加以稀释。