- On the Psychology of Learning Water Colour Painting 水彩人物画学习心理探究
- An Approach into the Teaching of Water Colour Painting 水彩画教学方法初探
- A Thinking in Expansion of Contemporary Water Colour Painting 对当代水彩画拓展的思考
- Analysis on the Water Colour Painting of on the Language State 水彩绘画的语言状态探析
- Switches to the normal paint brush. 通常的画笔。
- A keen artist, Cao uses a cotton swab instead of a paint brush. 一位热衷艺术的艺术家,曹庆用棉花棒代替画笔作画。
- Is this, @The Blue Rider@, a water colour? 这幅《蓝骑士》是水彩画吗?
- Do you like oil painting or water colour? 你喜欢油画还是喜欢水彩画?
- As you know, "______" Brand Paint Brush, Type No.444. 牌漆刷是国际市场上我国著名出口商品之一。
- He used to paint in water colours. 他过去画水彩画。
- You can apply canned shellac with a disposible paint brush. 你能用油漆刷子应用罐装虫漆。
- Nippon Paint Brush Dulux Package Quantity 6 yuan per square meter starting! 刷立邦漆多乐士包工料每平米6元起!
- Water-wood-paint systems with excellent hardness, luster, chubbiness and attrition resistance, water resistance, ethanol resistance, bear the yellow variation; It used to make every kind of warnish, colour paint,. Etc. 适用于水性木器漆体系中,使漆膜具有优异的硬度、光泽、丰满度、耐水性以及耐黄变性能。适用于配作各种高光清漆和色漆。
- He is a painter in water colours. 他是位水彩画家。
- If the paint brush is too wet,the red paint will run into the white on the house. 如果涮油漆的刷子太湿,红油漆就会和房子上的白色混在一起。
- water colour painting 水彩画
- If the paint brush is too wet, the red paint will run into the white on the house. 如果涮油漆的刷子太湿,红油漆就会和房子上的白色混在一起。
- Liferaft, Lifeboat, Marine Safety Equipment, Ship Equipment, Paint Brush, Paint Roller. 救生筏,救生艇,各种海上安全救生配备及船舶用品、油漆刷、油漆滚筒。
- Because the pot wall does not blot, a yin piece of original in paint brush is not suitable the greasepaint to be chapped dyes. 由于壶壁不吸油,一洇一片原有的内画笔也不适用油彩的皴染。
- In the upper and lower blue adornment, next to the glaze as adornment, green decorative paint brush smooth, delicate clarity. 上半部以青花装饰,并在下半部上沿以哥釉作为装饰,青花纹饰绘制精细,笔触清晰流畅。