- water table depression 地下水水位下降
- Below the water table is the zone of saturation. 潜水面以下就是饱水带。
- The water table has been lowered by drought. 由于天旱,地下水位降低了。
- In the deepest drilling areas, steep downward funnels have formed in the water table that are known as “cones of depression. 在某些钻井最深的地区,陡峭的井筒是在地下水面被施工完成的----这就是人们所熟知的“降落锥体”。
- Just above the water table, the pores are practically saturated. 稍高出潜水面的孔隙实际上是饱和的。
- The saturated zone is bounded above by a water table. 饱和带的上界面为潜水面。
- Water table is a surface on which the presure is atmospheric. 潜水面是一个其表面上压力等于大气压力的面。
- This lowers the water table and reduces soil alkalinization. 这能降低水位,减少土壤的碱份。
- Water table is a surface on which the pressure is atmospheric. 潜水面是一个其表面上压力等于大气压力的面。
- The water that fills the pores below the water table is not static. 充填在潜水面以下孔隙中的水不是静止的。
- Vadose zone is below weathering crust face and on water table. 潜流岩溶带的上限是枯水期的最低潜水面,该带地下水受压力梯度控制并沿水平方向流动,最明显的岩溶特征是出现大型的水平溶洞,地下暗河及其溶蚀孔、洞、缝发育段。
- Today, some city wells must descend more than 600 feet to reach clean water.In the deepest drilling areas, steep downward funnels have formed in the water table that are known as “cones of depression. 在当今的部分城市,井深必须大于600英尺才可以汲取到纯净的地下水。
- The level of the water table also fluctuates slightly with the season. 潜水面的高度也随着季节而稍有波动。
- The distance of the water table below the soil surface must be adjusted. 必须调整土壤表面以下水位的距离。
- The water table of this land has nearly dried up, and needs treatment. 这块地的地下水层已经接近干枯,需要进行治理了。
- A deep-rooted plant that obtains water from a permanent ground supply or from the water table. 地下水湿生植物一种根很深的植物,从永久性地下水资源或潜水面获取水分
- An unconfined aquifer has a water table at its top and water in direct contact with the soil atmosphere. 非承压含水层在它的上面有一个潜水面且水与土壤大气直接相连。
- The segment of the boundary above the water table and below the phreatic surface is called the seepage face. 水面以上和潜水面以下的一段边界叫做渗出面。
- The zone between the water table and the surface is called the zone of aeration. 潜水面与地表之间的地带称为饱气带。
- The clear water mirrored the blue sky. 清澈的水中映出蔚蓝的天空。