- The workmen fixed the water system. 工人们装好了供水系统。
- water system management 水系治理
- System management is becoming the No.1 IS problem. 系统管理成为头号的信息系统问题。
- There has been serious problem in the water system. 供水系统一直存在严重问题。
- Traffic System Management(TSM)? 运输系统管理?
- The drinking water system at bathrooms; s. 客房卫生间有饮用水系统;
- IBE Bar is a taskbar system management tool. 一个任务栏的系统管理工具。
- This will create a closed water system. 这将产生一个封闭的水系统。
- It's also a good language for many system management tasks. 对很多系统管理任务而言,它也是一种很好的语言。
- How to choose the best suitable high pressure jet water system? 如何选用最合适的高压水清洗系统?
- Bachelor's Degree in Engineering or information system management. 工程管理或信息系统管理本科以上学历;
- Our city water systems pump water into high tanks. 我市各供水系统都把水打送到高位罐中去。
- With certain knowledge in quality system management. 有一定的品质系统管理知识。
- Fresh water system of auxiliary engine is a separate system. 辅柴油机淡水自成系统。
- SATKO Telecommunications Systems Management Inc. 电信系统管理公司。
- Several Design Underetandings of Circulation Cooling Water System. 循环冷却水系统设计的几点体会。
- Local public services - Guidelines for service activities relating to drinking water supply and sewerage - Part 4: management of drinking water system. 地区公共服务。与饮用水供应和废水有关的服务工作指南。第4部分:饮用水系统的管理。
- Relocate System Management Interrupt vector for all CPU in the system. 重新安排所有CPU要用的系统管理中断向量。
- The use of advanced water level control device, automatic water system. 利用先进的液位控制装置,自动控制供水系统。
- Filter and accessories used for DI water system and air filtration system. 用于超净纯水过滤系统和超净空气过滤系统的过滤器()品和附件。