- Determine water requirements for each unit of production and check usage frequently. 计算每个生产单位所需的水量,并经常查验耗水量。
- The Series 215 is ideally suited for water requirements up to 2.5 gpm (9.5 lpm) due to its brass body and brass &stainless steel internal parts. 由于系列215的黄铜阀体结构和黄铜和不锈钢内件,这个系列特别适合高达9.;6公升/分钟的水要求。
- JENSEN M E,BURMAN R D,ALLEN R G.Evapotranspiration and Irrigation Water Requirements[M].Roma:ASCE Manual 1990. 陕西省水利水土保持厅;西北农业大学.;陕西省作物需水量及分区灌溉模式[M]
- Getting your sea legs in this rough water requires con-centration. 在大浪中不晕船,需要集中精神。
- The principles and methodology of measurement of crop water requirements (ETc) by time domain reflectometry (TDR) technique were presented in this paper. 介绍了应用时域反射仪(TDR)测定作物需水量(ETc)的原理和方法。
- By this formula, the packing density of the different size distributions of slag and its water requirements were calculated and found to be the same with the testing results. 用该公式计算上述不同粒径分布的矿粉浆体的堆积密度及需水量,计算结果与试验值基本吻合。
- Allen R G, Pereira L S, Raes D, Smith M.Crop evapotranspiration Guidelines for computing crop water requirements [M].FAO Irrigation and Drainage 1998, 56. 康绍忠;刘晓明;熊运章.;土壤-植物-大气连续体水分传输理论及其应用[M]
- The study of the ecological water requirements in vegetation has become a hot issue in research of water resources allocation and ecol-environmental construction. 对植被生态需水研究已成为水资源优化配置和生态环境建设研究中的热点问题。
- The desalination of water requires a lot of energy and, hence, money. 要去除水中的盐份,需要许多的能量,也就是需要很多钱。
- In 1998, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations recommended FAO Penman-Monteith equation for computing crop water requirements as new standard to replace the modified Penman equation. 联合国粮农组织(FAO)于1998年正式推荐新的计算作物腾发量的标准方法FAO彭曼-蒙特斯公式(Pen-man-Monteith公式),用以代替FAO过去推荐的修正彭曼公式。
- The clear water mirrored the blue sky. 清澈的水中映出蔚蓝的天空。
- The water requirements for several crops in Guizhou were calculated by adopting FAO recommended (formula) and using the climatic data of Guizhou and then water use efficiency of several crops was analyzed. 根据搜集到的气象资料 ,采用FAO(联合国粮农组织 )推荐的作物需水量公式 ,计算贵州几种主要作物的需水量 ,并对其水分生产效率进行分析。
- Richard G. Allen, Luis S. Pereira, Dirk Raes, and Martin Smith, 1998, Crop evaportranspiration: Guidelines for computing crop water requirements, FAO Irrigation and drainage paper 56, Rome, Italy. 赖明信,李长沛,曾清山,黄惠娟,陈治官,郭益全,2001,水稻台农71号(益全香米)的育成,中华农业研究,50(1):1-12。
- Ecological and environmental water requirement has been one of the research foci of eco-hydrology in the world. 摘要生态环境需水是国内外生态水文学研究的热点问题。
- The nurse diluted the drug with saline water. 护士用生理盐水把药加以稀释。
- The cooling water required for FGD area will be supplied from the cooling water system. 此系统主要提供烟气脱硫系统所需的冷却水。
- Treatment installations and distribution networks for water require important work for reinforcement and extension. 水处理设施和供水管网需要进行大规模的改建和扩建。
- Putting water in brandy is sacrilege. 在白兰地中掺水是可恶的事。
- The euro, moreover, can survive on less than half the water required by a sheep or goat. 此外,欧元也靠不到一半的水,需要的是绵羊或山羊。
- Water contains hydrogen and oxygen. 水含有氢和氧。