- water reduction rate 降水速率
- In this study, supercritical water reduction (SCWR) method was applied to prepare metal oxide and metal nanoparticles. 摘要:不同于超临界水水热结晶制备奈米金属氧化物,本研究以超临界水还原方法制备奈米金属及金属氧化物。
- The viscosity reduction rate is over 85% at 240℃, 24hr, with catalyst accounting for 0.2% and toluene for 0.1%. 与助剂甲苯复配,进行了稠油化学降黏的强化实验。
- Risk evaluation technology of loss(yield reduction rate)caused by disasters, indices and methods taken to reduce risk. 致灾损失(减产率)的风险评估技术,致灾指标的风险评估技术,减灾措施降低灾害风险的评估技术。
- This system is low usage volume,low cost, high viscosity reduction rate,highly adaptable and stable. 该体系具有用量少、成本低、降粘率高、适应性强、稳定性好等优点。
- The monthly water balance model for calculating runoff on loess plateau has been used in analyzing the benefits of water reduction by soil and water conserv ation. 借助适合于黄土高原降雨-产流特性的月水量平衡改进模型,计算天然状态下降雨应有的产流量与同期实测径流量求得减水效果。
- However, mice immunized with SRP or SRP+ SWA failed to exhibit higher worm reduction rate than mice immunized with SWA. 结果 : 用SRP 或SRP+SWA 免疫小鼠均产生较高滴度的特异性抗体, 然而均未能诱导比SWA 组小鼠高的减虫率。
- Compared with common melamines superplasticizer, the modified melamine superplasticizer has much higher water reduction and even better strengthening performance. 与亚硫酸氢钠做磺化剂所得减水剂比较,改性后减水剂的减水率及混凝土强度有明显提高。
- More air intensive aeration can alleviate the membrane fouling and slow down the reduction rate of membr... 较大的曝气量可减轻膜的污染程度并减缓膜通量的下降速度。
- The reduction rate of ferric oxide powder and specific surface area of superfine iron powder were measured, compared and analyzed. 研究表明纳米氧化铁粉活性高,还原温度低,可获得微细铁粉;测量了各个温度和时间下反应的还原率和所得粉末的比表面积,并进行了比较和分析。
- The SCR reactors are designed to accommodate sufficient catalyst to achieve guaranteed NOx reduction rate and ammonia slip. SCR反应器的设计是为了供给足够的催化剂来保证NOx还原率和氨的逃逸率。
- In the absence of catalyst, but the reduction rate of copper is low,and the effect of C/Cu2S ratio is obvious and that of CaO/Cu2S ratio is very small. 在未加催化剂情况下,铜还原率低,C/Cu2S的作用明显,CaO/Cu2S的影响甚微;
- While in mice vaccinated in-tranasally with rSj F1 and chitosan adjuvant, the worm reduction rate was 25.74% and the egg reduction rate was 44.04% . rSjF1以壳聚糖作佐剂经滴鼻免疫获得了25.;74%25的减虫率和44
- From the anthropic to natural factors, this paper analyzed the cause of water reduction in Sanhu Lake of the Songhuajing River since recent years, and appropriate countermeasures were put forth. 本文分析了松花江湖水量减少的原因,提出了保护松花江水资源的对策。
- Water reduction is also reflected by increased incidence of parasitic, fungal, and other skin diseases; eye infections; diarrheal diseases; and the often-fatal dehydration associated with them. 可使用水量的减少还反映在寄生性、真菌性和其他皮肤疾病发病率的增加;眼部感染;痢疾以及随之而来的常常致人死命的脱水。
- The reduction rate of ferric oxide powder and specific surface area of superfine iron powder were measured,compared and analyzed. 测量了各个温度和时间下反应的还原率和所得粉末的比表面积,并进行了比较和分析。
- Only reduction rate reached a certain value and KS>1 can rolling be stable process and good rolled surface quality be obtained. 因此,只有当压下率达到一定值后,KS>1,才能实现稳定轧制并获得优异的轧后板面质量。
- So the higher DWI volumetric tumor reduction rate is more inclined to have negative nodes in rectal cancer with preoperative chemoradiotherapy. 直肠癌术前放化疗过程的不同时间点体积变化无法准确提示肿瘤是否降期。
- Increased reaction time, smaller coal particle size and increased reburn fuel fraction lead to higher NO reduction rate. 所以,在使煤粉成为超细粉的基础上,利用低挥发分烟煤作为再燃燃料是具有可行性的。
- The clear water mirrored the blue sky. 清澈的水中映出蔚蓝的天空。