- water mixed transport 伴水运输
- This is plastisol and water mixed printed. 此种印花为我公司的水胶浆印花。
- The main ore fluid was magma water mixed with meteoric water. 成矿流体是以岩浆水为主,混有古大气水的混合流体。
- Water mixed with bubbles will reduce water light transmittance. 水路混有气泡时将会减小水的透光率。
- When you open your hand, the water mixes in again. 当你松开手时,水又重新混合进去。
- Oil/water liquidoid exists as water-oil emulsion in pipeline of the triphase (oil,gas,water)mixed transportation. 在油气水三相混输管路中,油水液相以油水乳状液的形态存在,气相与油水乳状液混输的特点为:1。
- Coolant level should be above the inner core. If low, add 50/50 coolant to water mix. 冷却液位应位于内心水准之上。如果低于此标准,应该加上冷却液,与水按50;50掺合一起的调和液。
- The cooling system takes heat away from the engine by circulating a liquid coolant (water mixed with antifreeze) between the engine and a radiator. 冷却系统通过在发动机和散热器之间流动的液体冷却液(加了防冻液的水)使发动机降温。
- When the time of mining gets longer, the water content in oil well product increases and oil-gas-water mixed transportation comes into being in gathering pipelines. 油井产物大多含水,随着油田开采时间的增长,油井产物含水率逐渐增大,在集输管路中形成油气水三相混输。
- After refrigerated through sheet condenser, the deaeration water mix with clear wine and achieve the wine which clients need. 脱氧水在经过薄板冷却器冷却后与清酒混合达到客户需要的成品酒。
- There is also a yuanxiao without fillings of any kind.It is boiled in water mixed with rice wine. 也有一种实心儿不带馅的,多用糯米酒加水煮着吃,里面再放一些清香的桂花,称作“酒酿圆子”。
- There are also methane hydrates, a solid that forms when methane and water mix in cold temperatures. The hydrates release gas as they warm. 还有甲烷水合物,一种甲烷气体和水在低温下混合而成的固体。这种水合物一加热就会释放出甲烷。
- Dip the cleaning brush in warm water mixed with little cleaning fluid. Clean the parts with the brush. Rinse them under the tap. 将清洁刷蘸上加有少许清洁剂的温热水,用清洁刷清洁这些部件,然后在自来水下冲洗。
- Cook’s note: After patting the dough into the pan, I sprinkle it with a little water mixed with lemon juice and prebake for 5 minutes. 烹饪须知 :在把生面团拍好放入锅里后,我在里面洒入了些混合了柠檬汁的水并预先烘烤5分钟。
- Market, the majority of hot and cold water mixing valves made from brass. 市场上大多数冷热水混合阀手轮由黄铜制成。
- The composition of H-O isotope indicates that the fluid originates from mixed resources;i.e.former magmatic water mixed with the later subterranean halogenic water. 成矿溶液的氢氧同位素组成表明成矿流体为混合来源,为先期深源岩浆热液叠加了后期雨水所致。
- The study of hydrogen and oxygen isotopic shows that the ore-forming fluid of Tuwaishan gold deposit were mainly derived from magmatic water mixed with meteoric water. 氢氧同位素测试表明成矿流体主要是岩浆水、大气降水的混合。
- The clear water mirrored the blue sky. 清澈的水中映出蔚蓝的天空。
- The nurse diluted the drug with saline water. 护士用生理盐水把药加以稀释。
- The experimental and theoretic study of pigging operation of mixed transportation pipeline has important signification for the design and management of mixed transportation pipeline. 混输管路清管操作实验和理论的研究对混输管线的设计及生产管理具有重要意义。