- When water levels rise, flooding results. 水位上升,就会发生洪水。
- Apply to the Fiber, Leather, Wrapping Paper, to water pressure, a certain pressure, leakage testing of its water leakage, the water level rising adjustable rate. 本机适用于纤维、合成皮、皮革、包装纸等,以水压法、一定水压法、漏水量法,测试其耐水度或漏水度,水位上升速度可调。
- The water level rises rapidly during monsoon season. 雨季水平面上升很快。
- It indicates that the influence of the reservoir water level rise on the upper loose deposit is much more evident. 这说明库水位上升对上部松散堆积体的影响相对来说还是比较明显的。
- I realize the water level rising phenomenon of Qinghai Lake, understand the ecological position of Qinghai Lake, and understand the urgency and methods of conservation of water-soil resource. 通过活动,我了解到青海湖水位上涨的现象,明白了青海湖的生态地位,知道了保持青海湖水土资源的迫切性及方法。
- At the bore, water level rises rapidly, accordingly, vertical component of velocity must be considered. 涌潮潮头处,水位骤涨,相应地,流速的铅垂分量必有一定大小。
- Spewing type submersed pumps, water with vertical suspended in water level rises. 喷涌式浮水电泵悬浮直立于水面,随水位升隆。
- By changing the roughness of the floodplain, the water level rises with increasing roughness and discharge, respectively. 藉由高滩地不同糙度之改变,可看出改变糙度之区域沿程水位有明显抬升。
- She began dropping pebbles into the pitcher, with each pebble she dropped in, the water level rose a little higher until up to the brim. 她开始衔一些小圆石往大水罐里放,每放一个小石子,水罐里的水就往上升一点,慢慢地一直升到水罐口。
- When the Yangtze River flooded on June 23, the water level rose in Dongting Lake, which sits along the river south of Wuhan in central China's Hunan Province. 长江在六月23号遭遇洪水的时候,水位满到了洞庭湖,洞庭湖在中国中部湖南省武汉南边的河流旁边。
- Approximate solutions show that the ground water level rises in proportion with rainfall intensity, time and inverse number of the effective porosity of the soil. 近似解说明了水位的上升与降雨强度和时间成正比,与土壤的有效孔隙率成反比。
- Uses range from automatic alerts being sent to the harbourmaster when water levels rise above normal to fishermen selling their catch directly to restaurants, thus pocketing a better profit. 用途涵盖:水位涨幅超常时向港务局发送自动警报,渔夫向餐厅直接兜售捕获物而获取不斐利润。
- After the water level rose to 139 meters, some stalactites in the famous scenic spots Military and Sword Gorge and Ox Liver and Horse Lung Gorge, were completely submerged into the river. 三峡工程蓄水139米水位之后,著名景点兵书宝剑峡和牛肝马肺峡的一些象形物钟乳石已全部沉入江中,明清古镇小庄村也被拆成一片瓦砾而永沉江底,似乎要抹掉三峡人心中美好的记忆。
- Influence of sea level rising to water level in tidal reach of Oujiang River 海平面上升对浙江省瓯江感潮河段水位的影响分析
- Heavy rains caused the rise of the water level. 暴雨导致水位上涨。
- The wind, temperature, water level, etc has dropped considerably. 风势已减弱了、 温度已下降了、 水平面已降低了很多。
- Make sure to top up the water level so that is always remains the same. 一定要把水注满使水平高度总保持不变。
- The water level in some 'barrier lakes' is high and rising. 部分堰塞湖的水位比较高,并且还在增长。
- Of individual appreciation level rise. 个人欣赏水平的提高。
- The water level in some lakes may vary greatly. 某些湖泊的水位变动极大。