- water intensive industry 耗水量大的工业
- Therefor, the author suggests developing the“ new” labour intensive industry and puts forward corresponding measures. 为此,笔者提出了发展“新型”劳动密集型产业的建议及相关的政策措施。
- Therefor,the author suggests developing the “new” labour intensive industry and puts forward corresponding measures. 为此,笔者提出了“新型”劳动密集型产业的建议及相关的政策措施。
- Wenzhou's labour intensive industry centering on small commodities just came into being and developed under this background. 区域经济内优势产业群体的形成,是在市场力量作用下众多投资者和厂商的群体选择,是由市场选择、竞争定位的。
- In the future,capital technology intensive industry with hi-ti additoned value and high profit return will become the focus of the development of our courtry. 而在未来,高技术附加值、高收益的资本技术密集型产业将逐渐成为我国发展的重点。
- Those in capital intensive industries are skilled at applying return on investment and breakeven analyses. 那些资本密集行业的分析师长于应用投资回报和盈亏平衡分析。
- The concrete tactic is that we should develop technology intensive industries on the foundation of the development of labor intensive industries. 具体策略是在劳动密集型产业发展的基础上,积极发展技术密集型产业,尤其要大力发展中技术产业。
- With the time went out, the fish bioconcentration factors (BCF) for roxarsone became the current of increasing. (6) Algae could absorb roxarsone in water intensively. 随着时间的延长,各组中鲫鱼对砷的生物富集系数呈增大的趋势。
- The clear water mirrored the blue sky. 清澈的水中映出蔚蓝的天空。
- The nurse diluted the drug with saline water. 护士用生理盐水把药加以稀释。
- Putting water in brandy is sacrilege. 在白兰地中掺水是可恶的事。
- Water contains hydrogen and oxygen. 水含有氢和氧。
- He cooked the pasta in a large pan of boiling water. 他用一大锅开水煮义大利面食。
- I put the shirt in soapy water to soak out the stain. 我将衬衫浸在肥皂水里以去除污渍。
- Fill your radiator with water, or your engine will overheat. 给你的散热器充水,否则引擎会过热。
- Let the tea leaves steep in boiling water for five minutes. 让茶叶在滚开的水中浸泡五分钟。
- You need to filter the drinking water. 你需要把饮用水过滤。
- Analyses the Main Factor Contribution Rate of Labor Intensive Industry 劳动密集型产业的要素贡献率分析
- I waved my dog to plunge into the water. 我挥手示意我的狗跳入水中。
- Nothing will induce me to jump into the icy water. 我怎么也不会想跳进这冰冷的水里。