- In loess hilly-gully region covered by sheet sand,soil water erosion process is different from typical loess hilly-gully region because of worse natural environment and loose land surface material. 在片沙覆盖的黄土丘陵区,由于恶劣的自然环境及松散的地表组成物质,土壤的水蚀过程明显地不同于典型的黄土丘陵区。
- Abstract: In loess hilly-gully region covered by sheet sand,soil water erosion process is different from typical loess hilly-gully region because of worse natural environment and loose land surface material. 文摘:在片沙覆盖的黄土丘陵区,由于恶劣的自然环境及松散的地表组成物质,土壤的水蚀过程明显地不同于典型的黄土丘陵区。
- Soil water erosion is a complex physicochemical process. 土壤水蚀是一个复杂的物理化学过程。
- water erosion process 水蚀过程
- These stones have obvious marks of water erosion. 这些石头有着明显的被水冲蚀的痕迹。
- Soil Water Erosion Processes in Loess Hilly-Gully Region Covered with Sheet Sand 片沙覆盖的黄土丘陵区土壤水蚀过程研究
- Based on the characters of water erosion and rock clasts, the Zhangxia Loess is possibly a product of aeolian-talus-pluvial process. 张夏黄土下部呈现明显的水流侵蚀痕迹,中间夹有围岩碎屑,应属于风成、坡积、洪积成因的黄土状土。
- Soil and Water Erosion (SWE) bulletin is an important part of SWEM. 水土流失公告是水土保持监测工作的一项重要工作内容。
- Soil Water Erosion Processes on Sloping Land with Different Material in the Wind-Water Interaction Zone in the Loess Plateau 黄土高原水蚀风蚀交错区不同下垫面土壤水蚀特征实验研究
- Water erosion on the tree also has a role in the erosion. 海水的侵蚀也对树具有一定的侵蚀作用。
- The erosion process as visualized by the author was intimately related to the swelling of the clay. 根据作者的观察,冲刷过程与粘土的膨胀有关。
- Rill erosion processes and rill flow hydraulic parameters. 土壤溶质运移参数估计图解方法。
- The electrode materials erosion process is rather different between anode and cathode because of the brief discharge in micro EDM. 在微细电火花加工过程中,由于放电时间极短,使得其阴阳两极的电极材料蚀除过程产生较大的差异。
- Because of long-time water erosion and weathering , the furface of the stone becomes uneven, looking like a rough sea. 由于长年被水流冲蚀溶蚀及风化作用,使岩石表面凸凹不平,如同风吹过水面,卷起千层浪。
- On the base, the gully erosion process, the gully erosion developing condition and the interactivity between sheet erosion and gully erosion have been described. 在此基础上,对侵蚀沟由顺犁沟发展至槽沟的发展过程、发展条件,以及面蚀与沟蚀的发展转化关系进行了阐述。
- Gully region is the most severe place of soil and water erosion in the catchment scale of Loess Plateau. 在黄土丘陵沟壑区,沟坡是小流域尺度上水土流失最为活跃的部分,对其水热条件的了解是进行综合治理的基础。
- The erosion process of different refractories was experimentally investigated through modelling the combustion by injecting pulverized coal in BF where the oxygen is enriched. 利用煤粉燃烧试验装置模拟高炉富氧喷煤实际情况,对硅砖、高铝砖和黏土砖进行了热空气侵蚀试验,分析了侵蚀后试样的物相和显微结构。
- The water erosion is the most serious fact,which affects potentially the CFB boiler performance. 循环流化床锅炉水冷壁管的磨损是影响循环流化床锅炉运行的一个主要因素。
- Major program thrusts of the NSERL include fundamental erosion process research, erosion control research, and delivery of improved erosion prediction technology. 主要研究领域包括:侵蚀过程基础研究、侵蚀控制研究以及侵蚀预测技术的改进和推广。
- As a result of continuous water erosion, in the course of time a huge cave was formed. 由于水的不断侵蚀,日久天长就形成了一个大溶洞。