- water drop increase 水滴增长
- Graciousness of the water drop, the bubbling spring reports! 滴水之恩,涌泉相报!
- Haze water drops would be spherical. 被称为霾的水滴是球形的。
- Experiment results show that the pressure drop increase depends on flow rate, port and manifolds length, port and manifolds diameter, and port and manifolds diameter is major. 实验结果显示影响入出口压降的因素为流量、入出口管径,和歧管长度,其中以入出口管径影响最大。
- HYDROPHILIC Destroy,disperse the formation of water drop, and avoid surface condensation and misting. 亲水性可破坏性、分散水滴之形成,使表面不结水滴、不结雾。
- The water drop spattered into the oil in the pan due to my carelessness while cooking. 炒菜时不小心把水滴溅入油锅中,发出了欻拉欻拉的响声。
- The small water drop flowed down along her hair,and her cloths clung to her body. 遭遇了风雨的她,看起来相当狼狈,雨水顺着头发往下滴,衣服也紧贴在身上。
- Water dropped from the ceiling into the pan on the floor. 水从天花板滴落到地板上的盆子里。
- Look up and you'll see a water drop ripple headliner, which most likely aids with vehicle acoustics as much as offering visual interest. 查一查,您会看到一个水滴纹波头条新闻,其中最有可能与汽车音响艾滋病多达提供视觉趣味。
- The falling speed of water drops in air has been measured. 水滴在空气中的降落速度被测量过。
- Water dropping day by day wear the hardest rock away. 日积月累,水滴石穿。
- The water drops on the spring grass are crystal clear. 春草上带着水珠,晶莹剔透。
- In this range, the pressure drop increases in proportion to the specific gravity of the mixture. 在这个范围内压力差的增加与深水的比重成比例。
- Water dropping day by day wears the hardest rock away. 滴水穿石。
- As its resistance increases, its voltage drop increases and, though small, can be measured without difficulty. 因为它的阻抗增加,它的电压降落增加,虽然小,可能被测量没有困难。
- When the diameter of vortex finder decreases, the downward flow decreases and the tangential velocities of the whole cyclone separator increase, but the pressure drop increases at the same time. 减小排气管直径可以抑制短路流量,使旋风分离器整个空间内的切向速度增大,有利于颗粒分离,但同时压降增大。
- NORG's Crossing, gray silky cotton, front: twisting cut, back: shape of water drop to sophisticatedly expressing female sexiness, the twisting cut aims to express the chest line. 这款高级丝光棉的北欧风洋装有以下特色,前面有扭布设计,可以表达胸部的线条,腰部有宽条设计,可以用来定义腰的美感,后有篓空的水滴型,目的在于委婉的表达性感。
- NORG's Crossing、gray silky cotton、front: twisting cut、back: shape of water drop to sophisticatedly expressing female sexiness、the twisting cut aims to express the chest line. 腰部有宽条设计,可以用来定义腰的美感,后有篓空的水滴型,目的在于委婉的表达性感。
- Water drops normally flatten and spread out when they fall on a surface. 水滴落到平面上时,通常是平铺地散开。