- water bowl paddle 饮水器阀门
- I refilled the dog's water bowl. 我把狗的水碗重新加满了。
- This will keep him from getting buried under a heaping pile of dog food or from falling in his water bowl every time he drinks. 这样狗狗就不至于埋在一大堆狗食里或者每次喝水的时候都掉到水碗里了。
- Other devices fitted are a spill-resistant water bowl, an extendable cargo area load-in ramp and "Dog Friendly" exterior emblems. 其他设备安装有防泼溅水的碗,一个可扩展的货物区负载在坡道和“宠物友善”外部标志。
- He puts all of his toys into the water bowl, and Pamilla client's business cards, the wire for bind the photoline, Lego bites it off into the waterball, too. 因为他又把码麻房间的地板弄了一堆勾欠,然后又把玩具通通都丢到水盆里面去。
- He put his toy ball into his water bowl and put it out and knock over the water all around the floor and mix by his litter sand, because he played the sand out of the box as well. 他把喝的水里面丢进他的玩具毛球又弄出来,水也乱玩到外面,然后又混著猫砂在整间地板。
- If your cat is not drinking from its water bowl, remember cats are much more sensitive to smell than we are so make sure you are thoroughly rinsing the bowl when you are washing it. 猫咪比人对气味敏感的多,所以如果猫咪不从它的水碗中喝水,你要想想你在给它装水的时候有没有把碗彻底洗干净。
- Tip the dirty water out of the bowl and into the sink. 把盆里的脏水倒入洗涤槽里。
- Tortoises often defecate in their water;thus, water bowls should be changed daily or every other day, or wheneverdirty. 因为陆龟常会大便在水里面,所以水盆应该每天都要洗乾净换水,或者是两天一次(大型的),当然也可以脏了就换。
- The clear water mirrored the blue sky. 清澈的水中映出蔚蓝的天空。
- We wonder why the dogs always drink out of our toilets, but look at it from their point of view:Why do humans keep peeing into their water bowls? 我们都很想知道为什么狗总爱喝马桶里的水,不过,从狗的角度来看就是:为什么人类总爱往他们的水碗里小便?(我家没有马桶,可是我的猫咪偶尔会去喝拖地的水)
- The nurse diluted the drug with saline water. 护士用生理盐水把药加以稀释。
- The first instant terrarium water conditioner.Great for reptile water bowls, chameleon drip water systems, amphibian enclosures, and aquatic turtle tanks. 本品是市场上唯一的饲养所专用水质处理剂,适合用于爬虫动物水盘、变色龙滴水系统或水龟缸内。
- He took up a bowl of water and gulped it down. 他端起一碗水,咕嘟咕嘟地喝了下去。
- Putting water in brandy is sacrilege. 在白兰地中掺水是可恶的事。
- Water contains hydrogen and oxygen. 水含有氢和氧。
- He cooked the pasta in a large pan of boiling water. 他用一大锅开水煮义大利面食。
- I put the shirt in soapy water to soak out the stain. 我将衬衫浸在肥皂水里以去除污渍。
- Fill your radiator with water, or your engine will overheat. 给你的散热器充水,否则引擎会过热。
- Let the tea leaves steep in boiling water for five minutes. 让茶叶在滚开的水中浸泡五分钟。