- An Approach to Water and Sediment Diversion Ratios and Transports in the Changjiang River Estuary Area 长江河口水沙分流和输移的探讨
- water and sediment diversion 调水调沙
- Water and Sediment in Distillate Fuels by Centrifuge, Method of Test for (05. 用离心法测定馏出燃料中水和沉淀物的试验方法(05。
- For full details of the methods used for testing water and sediment samples, please refer to Appendix A-13 and A-14. 有关水质及沉积物样本测试方法详情,请参阅附录A-13及A-14。
- Test for Water and Sediment in Crude Oils and Fuel Oils by Centrifuge, Method of (05. 用分离法测定原油和燃料油中水和沉淀的试验方法(05。
- The higher ratios of DDT/(DDE+DDD) in water and sediment in showed such chemicals will influx into the bay. 水体和沉积物中DDT/(DDE +DDD)比值较大 ,表明近期仍有此类化学物质输入大亚湾海域。
- The two tables below give a summary of parameters for water and sediment samples tested by the EPD and Government Laboratory. 以下两幅图表摘要列出环保署化验室及政府化验所测试的水质和沉积物样本参数。
- The runoff and sediment yield is affected by the process of rainfall and the function of water and soil conservation measurement. 弃土场区域内产流受到降雨特征和水保措施功能发挥的影响。
- Meantime, the discharge distribution of water and sediment and human activities have palyed important roles in the evolutions. 泥沙淤积是水沙变化的主要因素,江湖流量的分配在水沙变化中起著重要作用,人类活动也扮演著重要的角色。
- ZHENG Jian-lu.Chemical forms of heavy metals in water and sediment of Pearl River Estuary [J].Tropic Oceanology, 1985, 4(1): 62-69. [6]郑建禄.;珠江及其河口沉积物中重金属的化学形态研究[J]
- The Weihe River is the biggest and much sandy tributaries of the Yellow River and its water and sediment comes from different source areas. 渭河是黄河的第一大支流,也是一条多泥沙河流,具有水沙异源的特征。
- Gradation of sand column and sediment concentration of muddy water and water head are remarkably effective factors for the fine grain distribution in sand column. 砂柱的颗粒组成、水含沙量和入渗水头对滞留分布产生显著的影响。
- Water and sediment samples are also collected and sent to laboratories for analysis of over 60 parameters such as nutrients, metals, organics and coliform bacteria. 另外,亦采集海水和海床沉积物样本,进一步分析60多项参数,包括营养物、金属、有机物和杆菌等。
- By Federal interagency convention, the standard mean pore diameter size of filters used for separating water and sediment for chemical analysis is 0.45 micrometer (um). 根据联邦机构的传统,用于区分水和沉积物化学分析的滤膜的标准平均孔径为0.;45微米。
- It is likely that the construction of the reservoir project will change the whole south passage to a new type watercourse suitable for water and sediment passing. 而蓄淡水库工程建设将有可能使南槽成为适应进出水沙量的新型河槽。
- All plants need water and light. 所有的植物都需要水和阳光。
- Salt water and absence wash away love. [谚]远航久别恩情疏。
- Iron reacts with water and air to produce rust. 铁与水和空气起化学反应而生锈。
- Seeds need water and warmth to germinate. 种子发芽需要水和温度。
- Water delivery and injection line: cleanup scale and sediment. 输水、注水管线:清除水垢、沉积物。