- the effect of water and Fertilizer coupling 水肥耦合效应
- Water and fertilization coupling 水肥耦合
- water and fertilizer coupling 水肥耦合
- The coupling effects of water and fertilizer on the relative penetrability of cell membrane of winter wheat leaf were studied under field condition. 摘要在田间条件下研究了水肥耦合对冬小麦各生育期叶片质膜相对透性的影响。
- Xing W Q, Wang L Q, Luo Y M, Li L P, Li S X.Effect of spatial coupling between irrigation water and fertilizer on corn in semiarid area. 邢维芹;王林权;骆永明;李立平;李生秀.;半干旱地区玉米的水肥空间耦合效应研究
- He measured and recorded all energy sources introduced by humans, such as water and fertilizer. 他测量和记录了诸如水和肥料等由人引进的所有能源。
- coupling effect of water and fertilizer 水肥耦合效应
- Rice will grow well so long as it is given enough sunlight and a good supply of water and fertilizer. 只要能得到充足的阳光、水和肥料,水稻就能长得很好。
- Effect of water and fertilizer on economic properties of winter wheat in Loess Plateau galley regions. 黄土高原沟壑区水肥因子对冬小麦经济性状的影响。
- The simulation on effects of management of water and fertilizer in wheat field in arid desert area. 干旱沙漠区小麦田水肥管理效率模拟。
- coupling with water and fertilizer 水肥耦合
- The Church provides water and fertilizer at no charge and members provide the labor and reap the bounty. 教堂免费提供灌溉用水与肥料,教友们则贡献出他们的劳力并收割作物。
- coupling of water and fertilizer 水肥耦合
- Water and fertilizer spatial coupling 水肥空间组合
- Can resist droughts, preserve water and nutrition, improve soil quality, save water and fertilizer increase crop output. 能保水抗旱、提高水肥利用率、改良土壤、提高作物产量。
- Fertigation -an efficient way to apply water and fertilizer[J].Agricultural Research in the Arid Areas,2001,19(4):16-21. Fertigation--水肥调控的有效措施[J].;干旱地区农业研究;2001;19(4):16-21
- All plants need water and light. 所有的植物都需要水和阳光。
- Salt water and absence wash away love. [谚]远航久别恩情疏。
- Li S X, Li S Q.Effect of different treatment with water and fertilizer on available N and P in dryland[J].Agricultural research in the arid areas,1995, 13(1): 7-13. [1]李生秀;李世清.;不同水肥处理对旱地土壤速效氮、磷养分的影响[J]
- Iron reacts with water and air to produce rust. 铁与水和空气起化学反应而生锈。