- We will shortly initiate a study to examine the integration of material recovery facilities within the waste management system. 我们将在短期内进行一项研究,考虑如何将物料回收的设施与废物管理系统连贯起来。
- Inadequate water element leads to a sticky waste management system in which toxins build up to a point of creating disease. 不充分的水元素导致一个粘性的废物处理系统,在其中毒素增进到制造疾病的点。
- The waste management system of ascending humans already knows how to deal with broken parts of RNA and DNA and discards it through the intestines. 提升人类的体内废料处理系统已经知道怎么去处理RNA和DNA的破裂部份,并通过肠道来排泄掉它们。
- In summation, Taiwan's waste management system has gone from burying and incinerating to separating and recycling, which has resulted in a reduction of trash. 所以台湾废弃物处理的方式从掩埋、焚化到分类减量。
- Exercise is important as it moves the lymph which also carries nutrients to cells and wastes to the waste management systems of the form. 运动是重要的,因为运动运行淋巴,它也携带营养素去细胞,带废物去排泄系统。
- What we want for Hong Kong is a world class waste management system that stimulates efforts by every sector to reduce waste and that encourages new ideas and new investment in the recovery and reuse of materials. 我们希望香港可以拥有世界一流的废物处理系统,能够激发各行各业共同努力减少制造废物,同时鼓励各界就物料回收和再用提出新意念和作出新投资。
- Upon a biological level, Blue Cohosh assists with the elimination of wastes through the intestinal tract, and the development of an ascending digestive system and waste management system. 在一个生物性水平上,蓝升麻协助透过肠道排除废物,以及发展一个提升的消化系统及排泄系统。
- The higher the vibration that one holds, the more of the wastes are transmuted into gases rather than requiring transference via the blood to the waste management systems of the biology. 一个人振动得越高,变成毒气的废物也就越多,超出透过血液传输到身体废物管理系统的数量。
- Generally it is easiest to detoxify most of such toxins through either the waste management systems or the skin. 通常而言,通过排泄系统或皮肤来解除大多数这类毒素,是最为容易的。
- The act of bathing pulls more toxins through the pores of the skin than one could ever clear through the waste management systems alone. 沐浴行为通过皮肤毛孔拔出更多的毒素,比你单独通过废物处理系统净化的更多。
- Chamomile will attach to such substances and assist them in being removed through the waste management systems in ascension. 在提升中,洋甘菊将连接到这类毒素物质中,协助将它们籍由排泄系统而排除。
- Upon a physical level, Cascara Sagrada will assist with the elimination of the waste management systems, and in particular the large intestine. 在一个生物性水平上,美鼠李将协助排泄系统的排泄,尤其是大肠。
- Air provides the space through which nutrients and waste can pass in and out of the cells and travel throughout the form or exit via the waste management systems. 气供给空间,通过空间,营养素和废物能分别流入和离开细胞,并传播遍及形态及经由废物处理系统排出。
- With the dramatic increase in biotechnological activity comes a concomitant responsibility to increase the capacity and sophistication of waste management systems. 日益增多的生物技术活动也带来了提升废物处理系统的能力和复杂性的责任。
- If there is a toxin or virus or bacteria at cause of the cell damage, ester C aids in its removal by latching on to the substance and carrying it to the waste management systems of the form. 如果有毒素、病毒或细菌造成了细胞损伤,那么酯C协助将其移走,将其抓住并运到身体的排泄器官中。
- Dental Clinic Information Management System. 优医联盟口腔诊所管理系统。
- Hong Long has the management system been in place? 该管理体系运作了多久?
- Maintains and updates personnel management system. 人事管理信息系统的维护与更新。
- Flight Data Acquisition and Management System. 飞行数据采集与管理系统。
- How to Push the Reform of Social Management System? 如何推动社会管理体制的改革?