- Application Status and Prospect Analysis of Waste Steam Heat Refrigeration Technology in Baosteel 余热蒸汽制冷技术在宝钢应用现状和前景分析
- waste steam heating 废汽供暖
- waste steam heat recovery 回收废热蒸汽
- The housing estate uses steam heating. 这个小区的供暖采用的是汽暖方式。
- Economic Comparison Between Steam Heat Tracing and Electric. 厂蒸汽伴热与电伴热方案的技术经济比较。
- There is a steam heating system (air conditioning system ) in the work-shop. 这车间里装有一个蒸汽加热系统(空气调节系统)。
- Its heating mixing has self-friction, electric heating and steam heating modes. 热混具有自摩擦和电加热及蒸汽加热功能。
- There is a steam heating system(air conditioning system) in the kork-shop. 这个车间装有一个蒸气加热系统(空气调节系统)。
- The technology on energy saving has been discussed in this article, such as adding heat water, reusing waste steam, adopting new boiling technology, using sectional heat exchanger. 本文主要从追加热水、回收乏汽、采用新型煮沸技术、麦汁一段冷却等四个方面对节能技术作了探讨。
- Economic Comparison Between Steam Heat Tracing and Electric Heat Tracing S. 火电厂蒸汽伴热与电伴热方案的技术经济比较。
- The application of waste steam ejecting refrigeration in refinery were introduced with emphasis on types ofrefrigerator, p(? 从制冷机的形式、工艺流程及设备的布置安装方式等方面介绍了乏汽喷射式制冷在炼油厂中的应用。
- The concentration of waste sulfuric acid increased from 20% to 37% by using steam heat in a equipment and 80% H2SO4 which would be used to decompound ilmenite was obtained by mixing with 98% H2SO4. 摘要在废酸浓缩装置中利用水蒸汽加热钛白生产过程中产生的废硫酸,使其质量分数由20%25提高到37%25,与98%25的硫酸混合配制成80%25的硫酸,作为酸解钛矿的操作酸。
- Deodorizing system The deodorizing system can process the vapor generated in fish meal processing and the waste steam to expel most of the odor generated in the process. 除臭系统可将鱼粉加工中产生的蒸汽及废气进行加工,除去加工中产生大部分臭汽。
- The technology of the mainshaft sealed apparatus has got the state patent it has two funetions of electric and steam heating. 主轴密封装置获国家主利。具有电、汽两种加热功能。
- The machine adopts electrical heating steam heating or heatconducting oil healing. 本机采用电加热,或改用汽加热、导热油加热。
- Keep your eye on this frontier;steam heat from the earth may one day help keep you warm. 要密切注视这一新的领域,有朝一日地球的蒸气热可以供你们取暖。
- The very hot surfaces of steam heating cause a parching effect on the air, often accompanied by a disagreeable odor of burnt dust. 蒸汽表面的高温在空气中产生了烘烤的效果,并常常伴随着燃烧的飘尘的令人讨厌的气味。
- The thermal diffusivity and the calefactive characteristic of Lianrong bread by steam heating were studied via establishing math model. 本实验通过建立数学模型对传统莲蓉包蒸汽加热过程的热扩散与升温特性进行研究。
- Steam heating system of hollow sucker rod is a practical technique suitable for the production of high pour-point and high viscosity oil. 空心抽油杆注蒸汽伴热是一种适用于开采高凝固点、高黏度原油的实用技术。
- PROCESSING: The product has been processed using steam heat at a minimum of 135 degrees Celsius for a minimum of 2 hours. 处理方式:本产品在摄氏135度的高温下经蒸汽热处理2小时以上。