- waste imperial examinations 废科举
- Their son was so intelligent that when he grew up, he passed the imperial examinations with ease the very first time. 他们的孩子非常聪明,长大后参加科举考试就一举得中。
- The view of some scholars like LIU Haifeng redressing the system of imperial examinations is not tenable. 摘要刘海峰等先生提出“为科举制平反”,其理由不能成立。
- The imperial examinations system is originated from Sui daynasty, and was improved in Tang dynasty. 科举制是朝廷开设科目公开考试,然后根据考试成绩来选取人才,分别授予官职的一种制度。
- After studying hard for 11 years, Zhang Xiucai is going to sit for the imperial examinations this year. 寒窗苦读十一载,今年张秀才终于要去应举了。
- The poems of the first stage written before imperial examinations was full of lofty sentiments. 第一阶段是参加科考前所作,显示出他重友情的情怀;
- Scholars of the Tang Dynasty attached great importance to imperial examinations. 唐代的读书人都很重视科甲取仕。
- The traditional Imperial Examinations System was the product of historical choice, the inchoation of modernity and also the fruit of human civilization. 中国传统的科举考试制度是历史抉择的产物,也是现代性的发端。
- Zhao passed the imperial examinations and earned the rank of Excellent Talent. A kind, honest man, he was careful not to hurt any living creature. 赵通过了科举考试,得到了秀才的名衔。他是一个善良、正直的人,总是小心翼翼以免伤害到其他生物。
- But he wasn't a poor student much longer. The next year he placed very high on the imperial examinations and became an official. 但是他不再是穷学生了。第二年他在科举考试中名列前茅,成了一个官员。
- The routine patterns of revenging by means of taking part in the imperial examinations in the works is described in this paper. 这与传统的手刃仇人式的复仇手段有着很大的不同。
- When Liang's son, Zhiqing, grew up, he passed the imperial examinations with flying colors, and was appointed to govern Gaozhou. 后来他的儿子梁至清长大了,他在科举考试中名列前茅,被委任到皋州做官。
- I would rather be criticized by the rabble than despised by a gentleman,and rather fail at the imperial examinations than be unknown to great scholars. 宁为小人之所骂,毋为君子之所鄙;宁为盲主司之所摈弃,毋为诸名宿之所不知。
- Glimpse of imperial examination life in past dynasties of China II. 中国历代科举生活掠影2。
- Cheatings in the imperial examinations was severely punished during each dynasty. Once found out, the cheater would probably be sentenced to death. 科场舞弊是历朝历代都严厉打击的行为,一经发现就可能是死罪。
- The Imperial Examinations was an important system which could be used to select official in the feudal anaphase of China. 摘要科举制度是中国封建社会中后期选拔官吏的一项重要制度,它是儒家与法家思想在魏晋南北朝逐步融合的独特产物。
- His great-great-grandfather was a successful candidate in the imperial examinations at the provincial level in the Qing dynasty. 他的高祖父是清朝的举人。
- The imperialist examinations system was abolished in 1905. 科举制是在1905年废止的。
- This discussion contains three aspects.The matriculates by stereotyped writings were the marked feature of Qing dynasty imperial examinations system. 本文主要从以下方面进行论述:以八股取士为时代特征的清代科举制约了清代诗人的诗歌积累并影响了清初诗歌的诗风;