- Reuter never waste a moment in providing the news. 路透社提供新闻时不浪费一点时间。
- Susan can knit up a baby's coatee in a morning. 苏珊可以在一上午的时间织好一件小孩子的紧身上衣。
- She ran up a dress in a morning. 她一个上午就缝制了一件女服。
- The story broke in a morning paper. 消息在一家晨报上透露出来了。
- You waste a lot of food when you cook so much. 你做太多食物的话,就会造成很大浪费。
- I will never make it to a morning class. 早上的课程我总是来不及去上。
- Are we a-going to waste a hostage? 我们难道要把这么好的一个人质白白浪费掉吗?
- Waste a drop of water Tears in the future. 今天流走的是水,明天将是你的眼泪。
- Could you be persuaded to take a morning flight? 能否说服您搭早班飞机?
- They waste a lot of water in their daily life. 日常生活中他们浪费很多水。
- By the way,I can't take a morning flight. 对了,我不能坐上午的飞机走。
- You mustn't waste a grain of rice. 你不能浪费一粒米。
- Would you like to take a morning flight? 您想搭早班飞机吗?
- You might as well take a morning flight. 你不妨搭早班飞机。
- I want to go coach,and I'd prefer a morning flight. 我要普通舱,还有我喜欢早上的航班。
- Let's not waste a precious second on wishful thinking or useless regrets. Life really is too short. 我们不要将宝贵的时间浪费在痴心妄想或作无谓的惋惜上,生命实在是太短暂了。
- I felt exhilarated after a morning of skiing. 我滑了一上午的雪兴奋不已。
- Can you give me a morning call, please? 可不可以请你在早上打电话叫我起床?
- I would like to have a morning Call at. 设定电话叫醒。
- We mustn't waste a drop of water or a grain of rice. 一滴水一粒米我们都不应当浪费。