- Is there any water left in the water tank? 水箱里还有水剩下吗?
- Every apartment house has a water tank on its roof. 每栋公寓房子都有一个水塔。
- wash water tank 冲洗水箱
- Wiping the dirty cloth used to wash water. 抹布擦脏了要用清水洗净。
- Scope: Vehicle wash water. Vehicle wash water. 经营范围:机动车无水清洗。
- If you lag your hot water tank, you'll save money on your fuel bill. 如果你给热水箱装上外套,你就可以少付燃料费帐了。
- A building is constructed with a bulk water tank. 建筑物里修建了大水箱。
- If you lag your hot water tank, you'll save money on your fuel bills. 如果你给热水箱装上外套,你就可以少付燃料费帐了。
- We've lagged the hot water tank with felt. 我们已用毛毡把热水箱包了起来。
- Open-type stainless steel water tank and stainiess steel chassis, easy to wash and maintain, strong and durable. 不锈钢开放式水箱及不锈钢机架底板,清洗维护方便,坚固耐用。
- There any water left in the water tank? 水箱里还有水剩下吗?
- How much water can this water tank contain? 这只水箱能装多少水?
- The insides of the water tank were removed of rust. 水箱里面已经除过锈了。
- The water tank only measures 2 metres deep. 这只水箱只有2米深。
- The wash water from the gas washer was heavilyladen with solid particles. 从涤气器出来的洗涤水夹带有大量的固体微粒。
- Rust has already bitten into the water tank. 铁锈已经把水箱腐蚀了。
- Could you come round and mend a leak in my hot water tank? 你能不能到我们家修补一下热水箱上的洞?
- The dirty wash water will be discharged through pneumatically-actuated butterfly valves (wafer type) located at the rear of the filters, directly to the buffer tank and mixed with the inlet raw water. 冲洗废水通过位于滤池后部的气动蝶阀(对夹式)排出,直接进入缓冲池与原水进水混合。
- The southeastern corner under the water tank entirely collapsed. 水箱下东南角部分完全毁坏了。
- One explosion occurred on a river bank near to an outlet carrying waste wash water. 其中一次爆炸发生在接近洗涤废水出口的河岸上。