- Mom was finally convinced that the story she was hearing was true and finally decided to rush out of the office and get to the ER where I was waiting with Jimmy's dad. 妈妈最终相信了她听到的故事是真实的,便冲出办公室,来到了我和吉米爸爸等候的急救室。
- He finally convinced Coach Fitz Hill that he was ready. 他最后终于说服了教练菲士希尔他完全可以作战。
- The impostor was finally discovered. 这个冒名顶替者终于被发现了。
- The book finally convinced her that reading was a pleasure. 最终,这本书使她确信读书是一种乐趣。
- He finally convinced her that reading was a pleasure. 他最终使她相信阅读是一种乐趣。
- Bangladesh was finally free from smallpox. 孟加拉终于摆脱了天花。
- The hit man was finally arrested. 那个职业凶手终於被逮捕了。
- We finally convinced Tom to have dinner with us. 我们最终说服汤姆和我们共进晚餐。
- That infamous criminal was finally sentenced to death. 那个臭名卓著的罪犯终于被判处死刑。
- An agreement with the employers was finally worked out. 与雇主们的协议终於达成了。
- I've finally convinced Mr. Smith that we should buy a duplicator. 我终于说服了史密斯先生同意我们买台新复印机。
- Flew off the handle when the train was finally canceled. 在火车最终被取消的时候人们大发雷霆
- The criminal was finally caught in the net of justice. 罪犯终于落入法网。
- The tyrant who oppressed the people was finally overthrown. 压迫人民的暴君终于被推翻了。
- Her wish to become a movie star was finally realized. 她当电影明星的愿望终于实现了。
- The plans were finally put into execution. 这些计划终於得以实施。
- The offender was finally hunted down. 罪犯终于被缉拿归案。
- The spies were finally thrown off his track. 他最后总算把那几个特务甩掉了。
- He had finally convinced several customers of the advantages of his product. 他最后使一些顾客信服他的产品的优点。
- He was finally worn down and let her have the book. 他最后终于被说服了,把书给了她。