- Their profligate lifestyle resulted in Bankruptcy. 他们挥霍的生活方式导致的破产。
- Bainbridge ends up in bankruptcy court... |Bainbridge在破产法庭里自杀了...
- warrant in bankruptcy 破产财产扣押令
- The Police agreed not to execute the warrant in the mean time. 警方亦暂时同意不行使该搜查令。
- Speculators eager to earn a fast buck often wind up in bankruptcy. 急于想发横财的投机者到头来往往破产。
- Nor can clients count on CIT's stay in bankruptcy going to plan. 而公司客户也不能指望着CIT会一直处于破产保护中。
- I, the Policyholder, warrant to the Company that no proceedings in bankruptcy or insolvency have been instituted or are pending against me. 保单持有人向贵公司保证、本人并无进行或仍未了结之破产或无力偿债的诉讼.
- Hong Kong's slumping economy also caused a rise in bankruptcy a licatio . 香港经济低迷,破产申请个案随之上升。
- Under President's order, the requirement for a call warrant in order to conduct a wiretap, in essence, is waved. 根据总统的命令,规定对法庭令状应执行监听,而实际上,已经不这么做了。
- Under presidential order, the requirement for a court warrant in order to conduct a wiretap, in essence, is waived. 根据总统命令,安装窃听装置的法庭许可证的要求实质已被取消。
- That does not warrant you in doing so. 那并不表明你有理由这样做。
- A white police officer accused of killing an unarmed black man in California has been arrested on a murder warrant in Nevada. 在加州杀害一名手无寸铁的黑人的白人警官在内华达州(根据逮捕令)因涉嫌谋杀而被逮捕。
- Discharge in Bankruptcy When a bankrupt person or company is legally free and clear of any obligation to repay certain debts. 已解除债务的破产人指破产的人士或公司在法律上已经自由,并且清偿所有债务。
- Their old cap of 80 hours per month was raised to 90 hours under concessions the airline won in bankruptcy court. 老章的80个小时增加到90个小时下让步赢得航空公司破产法院。
- To put it in a nutshell, we're bankrupt. 简断截说,我们破产了。
- Interest on bonds constitutes a legal obligation, and failure to pay it may result in bankruptcy. 债券的利息构成了一种法律责任,无力支付有可能导致破产。
- Last week the British bank Barclay's purchased much of Lehman in bankruptcy court. 上周,英国巴克莱银行在破产法庭收购了雷曼兄弟的大部分(股份)。
- In network message safety work of library, modern technology and equipment is important means undertakingnetwork message safety, perfectiveadministrative system is important warrant in network message safety. 在图书馆的网络信息安全工作中,先进的技术、设备是保证网络信息安全的重要手段,完善的网络信息安全管理体系是网络信息安全的重要保证。
- Hazardous waste defendants have argued that neither state nor federal governments can compel the cleanup of sites once the defendant has filed a petition in bankruptcy. 拥有危险废物的被告方一直主张,一旦被告方填写了破产申请,州政府和联邦政府都不能再强制执行净化废物处置场地。
- The wind was whispering in the trees. 一阵风穿过树林沙沙作响。