- A simple test will show if this is real gold. 简单的试验就能证明这是否是真金。
- The teacher let him off the hook with a warning this time. 这一次老师放过他,只给了一个警告。
- I'm warning you for the last time stop talking! 我最後一次警告你--不要再说话了。
- She sounded a note of warning in her speech. 她在讲话中表示要引起警惕。
- Warning notices were strung out along the motorway. 高速公路上隔一段距离就有一个示警牌。
- Building society is warning of mortgage rationing. 住宅互助协会警告说要限额分配抵押借款。
- Pupils who pass the test will be promoted to the next higher grade. 小学生只要考试及格就会升到高年级。
- The car had its hazard warning lights on. 这辆汽车亮起了危险信号灯。
- The sirens sounded an air-raid warning. 汽笛响起了空袭警报。
- He held the test tube in his hand thoughtfully. 他沉思地把试管拿在手里。
- A gale warning has just been put out. 刚才发出了大风警报。
- They attacked without a warning. 他们不宣而战。
- It will be wise to go over your test paper again. 还是把您的考卷再检查一遍的好。
- Let us show you to see the engine to test. 让我们指给你看要测试的发动机。
- He is answering the test paper busily. 他正忙着答考试卷。
- The whole building resounded the siren's warning. 整个大楼回响着警报声。
- The fire-alarm is giving warning of fire. 报警器正发出火警警报。
- Don't tumble down on this easy test. 这次考试不难,你可别考砸了。
- The government put out a warning against flood. 政府发出了预防水灾的警告。
- Tomorrow we'll have a history test. 明天我们将进行历史测验。