- A warm house and good food are material comforts. 温暖的家和佳肴都是物质享受。
- warm house effect 温室效应
- It was bitterly cold walking home tonight but the thought of a hot drink in a nice warm house spurred me on. 今晚步行回家非常寒冷,但是想到能在舒适、温暖的家里喝上一杯热饮我感到来劲了。
- We avail the solar energy for warm house. 他们将利用太阳能为住宅供暖。
- A large unbrella is like a warm house. 大大的伞就像一个房子。
- The "green house effect" is now threatening the existence of mankind. “温室效应”正威胁着人类的存在。
- In the evening, the New Yorker came back to his warm house with the full-recharged vehicle. 下班的时候,再开著充好电的电动车回到温暖的家。
- Human beings must keep an eye open on the changing climate resulting from the Green House Effect. 人类必须注意由温室效应导致的地球气温升高的情况。
- He lived very pleasantly there in a warm house, had very good food, and enjoyed himself. 那里的屋子很暖和,他住得十分惬意,伙食也非常好,他过得很安逸。
- Plundering paper's raw material from carbon dioxide-absorbing forests does nothing to diminish the green house effect. 纸原料的取得,需要大量砍伐吸收二氧化碳的森林,这对于清除温室效应毫无帮助。
- Sunshine slides into the corner of the warm house, which is so hasty, but we can catch the beautiful shadow of it still. 阳光轻轻洒进温暖居室的一角,她是那样匆匆,但还是被我捕捉到了她的美丽身影。
- Another reason to preserve our forests is that large numbers of trees can help to mitigate the green house effect by absorbing solar radiation. 另外一个要保护森林的理由是,大量的树木可以吸收太阳辐射,以此缓和温室效应的影响。
- When a piece of ice is taken into a warm house, it becomes smaller and smaller and smaller, until in the end it disappears completely. 一块冰拿进暖和的屋子以后,它会变得越来越小,直到最后完全消融。
- Because of the ozone depletion and green house effect, chlorofluorocarbon (CFC), known as Freon, has been banned to be used in the whole world. 氯氟烷烃(CFC)即氟里昂,因对臭氧层的破坏和温室效应而导致禁用,以其为抛射剂的药用吸入气雾剂将于2010年全面退出中国市场。
- Mike: You know Christmas is sort of neat with just the five of us hanging out. A nice warm house, kind of getting into the spirit. 迈克:真美呀,要知道圣诞节总是很愉快的,一家五口人能够在一起,房间里暖和极了,有一种融洽的气氛。
- If we don't halt the green house effect, the iceberg will wholly melt down, leading to sea level rise and the coastal cities in U.S.(Cuba,Australia )will be covered with seawater. 如果温室效应不断加剧,冰川会全部融化,海平面也将上升。美国(古巴、澳洲)的沿海城市将被海水淹没!
- Then he became an officer and went to work in the army in Paris. He lived very pleasantly there in a warm house, had very good food, and enjoyed himself. 后来,他当上了军官,派往巴黎驻军任职。那里的屋子很暖和,他住得十分惬意,伙食也非常好,他过得很安逸。
- FT Chinese Network: climate warming house from the end of ice age citizens? ft中文网:气候转暖房价反弹房展终结冰期?
- The air in the garden was warm and fragrant. 花园里的空气一片温馨。
- Recently, the most pimportant problem of environment is the change to warmth of the global climate, caused by green house effect, resulting the discharge of CO2 and other green house factor from humen being to the atmosphere. 目前最大的环境问题是由人类排放co2等温室气体引起的地球加热变暖,两极冰盖融化,海平面上升,沿海城市被淹,岛国沉入海下,洪涝、旱、漠化加剧。