- Does this unfortunate news augur war in the near future? 这个不幸消息预示最近的将来会发生战争吗?
- Mary's dancing in the third act always stops the show. 第三幕玛丽的舞蹈总是要被观众的热烈喝彩所打断。
- Peace on the forehead and war in the mind. 面善心中恶。
- The civil war in the US has two sides. 美国内战分成两派。
- The ex-champion was counted out in the third round. 上届冠军在第三回合被击败了。
- war in the third dimensionn. 空中作战
- Love and peace will win over war in the end. 爱与和平将最终战胜战争这一主题。
- The horse walked over in the third race. 在第三轮比赛中,这匹马轻易获胜。
- The Black family was caught up in the war in Europe and we did not see them again till it was over. 布莱克一家在欧洲为战争所困,直到战后我们才再见到他们。
- Aid to the Third World is at present little more than a drop in the ocean. 目前对第三世界的援助不过是杯水车薪。
- We have 8 required courses in the third year. 我们三年级的时候有八门必修课。
- There's nothing in the third row,is there ? 没有第三排的票子了,是吗?
- He may stick on the third clause in the contract. 他可能对合同中的第三款感到犹豫。
- In the third text box, enter your last name. 在第三个文本框中,输入此人的姓氏。
- In the third text box, type your last name. 在第三个文本框中键入此人的姓氏。
- The outbreak of war in the Middle East. 战争爆发,疾病发作。
- The third line is in the Southwest. 陈家刚:三线是在西南。
- Sports shoes are selling in the third floor. 层是卖什么东西的呢?
- Nothing in the third section, only talk to MOD. 三楼没有附件
- He was the third in the speech contest. 他在演讲比赛中获得第三名。