- Please send me a receipt for the money. 请寄给我一张收到此款的收据。
- Do you have a receipt for this necklace? 你有这项链的收据吗?
- Please make out a receipt for this. 请开收据。
- Do you have a receipt for this pearl neck-lace? 您有这串珍珠项链的收据吗?
- The money is just right.Do you want a receipt? 钱正好对,要收据吗?
- I've got a receipt for the computer. 我有这台计算机的收据。
- I need a receipt for the lipstick, please. 我需要一张买口红的收据。
- B: Do you have a receipt for this pearl necklace? 乙:这个珍珠项链您有没有收据。
- Get a receipt for your expenses. 索要开销收据。
- I will write out a receipt for you. 我给您开一张收据。
- I'll write out a receipt for you. 我给您开张发票。
- Could you make out a receipt for me? 请给我开张收据,好吗?
- This is a receipt for funds received at CEP Trust. 今天又收到支付。
- You had better get a receipt for your expenses. 你最好对开销索取收据。
- Please give a receipt for me, or my company etc. 请为参加年会发收条。
- Please give me a receipt for the money. 请给我一张付款收据。
- I need a receipt for the construction material. 我需要一张买建筑材料的收据。
- If you want a receipt,put a tick in the box marked'R'. 如果您想要收据,请在标有R的方格中打个记号。
- And get a receipt for everything. 办什么事都要拿收据。
- May I have a receipt for my health insurance? 可不可以给我申请健康保险的数据?