- Be careful not to wander from the subject. 注意不要离开正题。
- Do not wander from the subject . 不要离开正题。
- You might wander from the subject if you don't pay close attention. 如果你不认真的话,会离题的。
- Don't wander from the subject and stick to the point. 不要离题,要针对这一问题谈。
- Don't wander from the subject: stick to the point, ie Don't digress. 不要离题,要针对这一问题谈。
- Don't let your mind wander from the main point as issue. 不要让你的思路离开争论的主题。
- You're wandering from the point again,so please keep to the subject. 你又要离开正题了,请不要跑题。
- Don't digress (from the subject) when lecturing. 讲课时不要岔开(主题).
- Don't wander from the subject.; Stick to the point. 别扯远了。
- Don't wander from the subject. 不要离开正题。
- When your mind wanders from the subject of meditation, just observe the distraction mindfully. 当你的意识从禅定的目标上走开,只是觉知的观察它。
- Do not wander from the subject. 不要离开正题。
- We seem to have wandered from the path. 我们好像已经偏离了原路。
- Your comments are rather remote from the subject we are discussing. 你的评论跟我们正谈的问题关系不大。
- He wandered from the subject. 他说离了主题。
- You wander too far from the subject. 你谈得离题太远了。
- speak beside the point; wander from the subject 说话走题
- You should keep 1.2m away from the subject. 你应该与被摄物保持一点二米的距离。
- The speaker had a tendency to wander from the track. 演讲人老爱扯开去。
- Don't let your mind wander from the main point at issue. 别让你心思离开争论之点。