- Grace:I know, but I happened to know a few friends working in the same industry so with their help and advice, I could waltz through it. 我知道啊,可是我碰巧认识一些在同业工作的朋友,靠著他们的帮忙及建议,我轻松就搞定了。
- Such idealism, though, has its costs, as sometimes Barcelona can waltz through the opposition's half before freezing up ahead of a wall of defenders in the final third. 这种理想主义,尽管有其价值,比如巴萨如华尔兹般舞蹈着通过半场,但却往往被对手最后三十米的防线阻击。
- The recruits have waltzed through their training. 新招收的成员轻松顺利地完成了训练。
- He waltzed through the entrance exam. 他很轻易地就通过了入学考试。
- He waltzed through the exam thanks to his hard-working. 他的努力让他轻而易举地通过了考试.
- John simply waltzed through his driving test this time; it seemed very easy. 约翰自己这次不费吹灰之力就通过了驾驶考试,考试似乎非常容易。
- He waltzed through the exam. 他轻易地通过了考试。
- John simply waltzed through his driving test this time;it seemed very easy. 约翰自己这次不费吹灰之力就通过了驾驶考试,考试似乎非常容易。
- To his own surprise, John simply waltzed through his driving test this time; it seemed very easy. 使约翰自己感到吃惊的是,他这次很顺利地通过了驾驶执照考试;似乎太容易了。
- I have no a clue how to compose a Waltz. 创作华尔兹曲我是一窍不通。
- To his own surprise,John simply waltzed through his driving test this time; it seemed very easy. 使约翰自己感到吃惊的是,他这次很顺利地通过了驾驶执照考试;似乎太容易了。
- They cleaved a path through the wilderness. 他们在荒原中开辟出一条路。
- I was paging through a magazine when he came in. 他进来时我在翻阅一本杂志。
- The archers sent their shafts through the air. 弓箭手向空中射出利箭。
- They are playing a waltz by Strauss. 他们在演奏一首斯特劳斯的圆舞曲。
- The Lakers waltzed through the Western Conference playoffs last season, going 12-3. 上个赛季的西部季后赛系列赛,湖人队以12胜3负的战绩杀入总决赛。
- Three-fourths meter is waltz time. 三/四拍是华尔滋曲的节拍。
- The role of Landa was so tough to fill that Tarantino claims he’d have abandoned the production entirely had Christoph not Waltzed through his door. 兰达这个角色非常难演,塔伦蒂诺声称要不是瓦尔兹,而是克里斯托弗来演的话,他就要放弃整个片子了。
- The fact of the matter is, there are a lot of rocks in space, and as Earth waltzes through orbit, we encounter them every second of the day. 实际上,宇宙中有非常多石头。而当地球轻快地沿轨道运行时,我们每时每刻都能和它们相遇。
- She waltz off with the school prize for maths and science. 她轻而易举赢得了全校数学奖和理科奖。