- walking beam conveyer 步移式输送机
- By adopting the appropriate process measures,the qualified walking beam casting has been successfully produced. 通过采取适当的工艺措施,成功地生产出了合格的活动横梁铸件。
- The technology and flow sheet of No. 2 walking beam furnace of AISC Heavy plate Plant are introduced. 介绍鞍钢宽厚板厂2号步进式加热炉的工艺及流程。
- Based on a walking beam reheating furnace, mathematical models of slab and hot skid were built in this paper. 本文以一座步进梁式加热炉为例,建立了钢坯和垫块温度场的数学模型。
- The construction,the controlling principle of combustion and technical performance of the walking beam furnace at Xianggang high speed wire and rod plant were in brief introduced. 简单介绍了湘钢高线厂步进梁式钢坯加热炉的结构、燃烧控制原理及技术性能。
- To introduce the advanced principle of walking beam furnace and the advanced process of controlling heating furnace burning with PLC. 介绍了先进的步进梁式加热炉的工作原理及全部采用PLC控制加热炉燃烧的先进工艺。
- Accurate prediction of slab heating time in-furnace in process control computer system of walking beam furnace for hot rolling is studied. 摘要主要研究在热轧步进式加热炉过程控制计算机系统中,如何准确预测板坯在炉加热时间。
- Author introduced furnace Construction Lining building and dry at a fire of walking beam heating furnace heats plate billet both up and down heating. 介绍了加热板坯用上下供热步进梁式加热炉炉型结构概况、炉衬施工及烘烤技术。
- This paper describes mechnical technical pata,design structure ,existing problems,improvements and applications of walking beam reheating furnace for Jiuquan steels. 介绍了酒钢步进梁式加热炉步进机械的性能参数、设计特点、存在问题、改进措施以及应用情况。
- The causes of some problems are analyzed which exist in gas combution system of walking beam reheating furnace,reconstructing projects and using effect is also introduced. 对步进式再加热炉煤气燃烧系统所存在的问题进行了分析,介绍了改造方案和使用效果。
- Change walking beam guide structure from slide bush type to glide orbit type, make walking beam move more dexterously and nimble, and with good movement rigidity. 行走梁移动导向结构由以往的滑套式改为滑动导轨式,便得行走梁运行更轻巧、灵活,运动刚性好。
- In the field use of dual horsehead pumping unit, thereexist such problems as breaking of walking beam, cracking ofreducer's case and shaking of the pumping jack. 鉴于双驴头抽油机在使用中出现的游梁断裂、减速器下箱开裂和支架晃动等问题,分析了其产生上述问题的原因,给出了解决问题的方法。
- The basic thermology theory of optimized model is stated,its construction process when used in the model of walking beam furnace is analyzed with mathematics method. 文章阐述了优化加热模型的基本传热学原理,并用数学的方法剖析了此模型的建立过程以及应用到步进式加热炉中数学模型的建立过程。
- This article description the control and the theory of walking beam in walking beam heating funnace. Solve the problem of step excursion for PLC program in industry. 本文描述了步进梁式加热炉步进梁的工艺原理及控制原理,在实际应用中用PLC程序解决步距偏移问题。
- The heat flux to slab surface of a walking beam reheating furnace along length of the furnace is computed, and total heat exchange factor is also calculated. 以某轧钢厂的一台步进梁式加热炉为例,计算了钢坯表面热流沿炉长方向的分布,并反算求解总括热吸收率。
- Results show that fracture of the slab originates from overfiring of the slab due to high temperature in certain local area of the walking beam furnace and in light of the result proper counter measures are accordingly put forward. 结果表明,板坯断裂是由于步进炉中局部温度过高产生的过烧现象,根据分析结果提出了相应的改进措施。
- Instead of the fixed horsehead, a rotary horsehead is adopted, which is hinged with one end of the added fiont pitman and can realize seir rotation with the motion of the walking beam. 主要改造内容是将固定式驴头改为旋转驴头,后者通过与增设的前连杆一端的铰接,可在游梁运动的同时实现自转。驴头公转和自转的冲程迭加,便达到增加冲程的目的。同时增添了曲柄副平衡块,以提高平衡扭矩。
- A mathematical model for numerically simulating the temperature distribution of steel slab in a walking beam type reheating furnace is established by using the finite difference method. 摘要采用全隐式有限差分法,建立了步进式加热炉内钢坯温度场的数值计算模型,编制了钢坯加热过程的模拟软件。
- An experimental visualization of three-dimensional temperature field was performed in walk beam furnace of hot-strip factory in Wuhan Iron and Steel Corporation. 在武汉钢铁公司热轧带钢厂一台步进式加热炉上安装了一套三维温度场可视化监测系统。
- I had visions of her walking in the snowstorm. 我想像着她在暴风雪中行走的样子。