- The gym teacher said we should walk at a smart pace. 体操教师说,我们应该用轻快的步伐走。
- She walked along at a smart pace. 她轻快地向前走着。
- Set off at a smart pace to the playground. 迈着矫健的步子走向。
- walk at a brisk pace [a smart pace] 迈着轻快的步子
- walking at a smart pace 轻快地走着
- The old man can not walk at a good pace. 那老人走不快。
- The actress is walking at a brisk pace. 那位女演员正以轻快的步伐走着。
- She set off at a smart pace. 她迅速出发了。
- We set off at a smart pace. 我们快步出发了。
- She walked at a brisk pace towards the park. 她迈着轻快的步伐走向公园。
- She was too sprightly to allow of their walking at a slow pace on her account. 她很利索地跟着他们走,以免他们为了她的缘故而要放慢脚步。
- Playing the piano, riding a bicycle, walking at a speed of 2 mph. 弹钢琴、骑电单车、以每小时2哩速度步行。
- It was getting dark, so the travelers walked at a quick pace. 天快黑了,旅客们快步赶路。
- He usually goes out for a walk at dusk. 他通常在黄昏时出去散步。
- at a smart pace 很快地; 快捷地
- Some people might wonder why the birds don't simply stop waddling and walk at a slower pace. 有些人可能并不懂,为什么企鹅不干脆停止摇摆,改成慢慢地走。
- Yes. People like to be free to get up and walk at a party. 对,在聚会上人们喜欢自由起身,到处走走。
- A smart society woman was sitting next to President Coolidge at a party. 一次聚会上,一个社交女坐在了柯立芝总统旁边。
- We stop for lunch in an Akha village and finish walking at a Lisu village. 在啊卡族吃中饭,走到俚苏村。
- Away we went at a slapping pace. 我们以极快的速度离去。