- Suspecting nothing, he walked right into the trap. 他毫无觉察,径直走入陷阱。
- He walked right into the trap. 他不慎正好陷入圈套。
- walk right into the trap 自投罗网
- ANTHONY: The mouse -- walking right into a trap. 安东尼:胆小鼠--正好走进陷阱。
- If he were, I said to myself, he could hardly be such a fool as to walk right into the lion's den. 要真是那样,我寻思,他怎么会愚蠢到自投罗网呢?
- They set a trap for him and he walked right into it. 他们设下圈套,他果然落入其中。
- The trap had cut deeply into the rabbit's flesh. 捕兽夹子紧紧夹住兔子的皮肉。
- Then walk right into the tower. 才能走进高塔。
- I said that she walk smack-dab into the fruit display. Smack-dab means exactly or right. That means she walked right into the fruit display. 噢,smack-dab是很精确,很准确的意思。你刚才是说,她一直对着那个水果摊走过去,结果把水果摊撞倒了。幸好她只是撞翻了一些水果,而不是撞到什么有危险性的东西。
- A local police superintendent says the gunman walked right into the room where the shootings occurred as if he knew exactly where he was going. 当地一个警长说持枪人直接走进枪击发生的那个房间,好像他很确切的知道他在往哪里走。
- Two soldiers lured the enemy into the trap. 两名战士引诱敌人进入伏击圈。
- she felt right at home; he fell right into the trap. 她感觉很舒适;他完全落入了圈套。
- But China has not fallen into the trap. 但是中国大陆并没有上当。
- To my immense gratification, he fell into the trap. 令我极为满意的是,他中了圈套。
- Proceeded,unthinking,into the trap. 不加思考地就走进了圈套
- Rat catchers have no needs to blow into the trap. 捕鼠者不必再吹捕鼠器。
- Oops! I'm riding right into the director's chair. 哦!我撞到导演的椅子了!
- The ball fell right into the hole. 球正好掉进洞里。
- He sent the ball right into the goal . 他把球踢进了球门。
- She pumped the stuff right into the mainline. 她将麻醉剂直接注入手臂的主静脉。