- waiver of restoration premium 补额保费之放弃
- They were persuaded to sign a waiver of claims against the landlord. 经劝说,他们签署了放弃向房东索赔的权利。
- Can I apply for waiver of admission charges? 我是否可以申请豁免博物馆入场费?
- My father did a lot of restoration. 我父亲做了许多修复工作。
- They are persuaded to sign a waiver of claim against the landlord. 经劝说,他们签署了放弃向房东索赔的权利。
- They were persuaded to sign a waiver of claim against the landlord. 经劝说,他们签署了放弃向房东索赔的权利。
- They is persuade to sign a waiver of claim against the landlord. 经劝说, 他们签署了放弃向房东索赔的权利。
- Governing Law; Limitation On Actions; Waiver of Jury Trial. 律;法律行为的时效限制;放弃陪审团陪审的权利。
- waiver of restoration 免收复原保险费
- Love saw the depravity of sin, and sought a means of restoration. 爱是看见了罪的堕落,就寻找一个复原的载具。
- A waiver of liability form will be required of all participants. 所有参赛选手需要签署免责声明。
- Allows waiver of requirement with customer concurrence. 在客户许可情况下允许放弃的要求。
- In some countries, a waiver of liability must be sign. 在某些国家,第三责任险也必须一同签名。
- Now the Earth Mother is on a homeward bound journey of restoration of truth. 现在,地球母亲正走在一条恢复真相的回家之路上。
- In December, public housing cost came down sharply, owing to the waiver of public housing rentals. 此外,公共住屋费用因豁免公屋租金而在十二月骤降。
- Potion of Restoration now heals500 health and200 mana, rather than fully replenishing a hero's health and mana. 恢复药瓶现在能够恢复500点生命和200点魔法,而不是全部恢复生命值和魔法值。
- The Amber Room is now open to the public after25 years of restoration work costing10 million dollars. 如今经过25年耗资千万美元的重建,琥珀厅向公众开放了。
- A premium of 2 per cent is paid on long-term investments. 对投资期限较长者可获百分之二的奖励。
- In December,public housing cost came down sharply,owing to the waiver of public housing rentals. 此外,公共住屋费用因豁免公屋租金而在十二月骤降。
- It is through the act of restoration that Earth will one day enter the next dimension of thought form. 通过恢复的行为,地球将有一天进入下一个维度的思想形态。