- The writer chained for life to the routine of a wage slave and the ritual of copulation. 作家的一生都被为钱卖命的不变常规和交配仪式牢牢拴住。
- Donaghy is immensely self-satisfied about the authority he wields and the money he earns but, in the end, he is just a well-paid wage slave struggling to please Fairfield, Connecticut. 多纳吉对自己手中的权力和赚取的薪水非常满意,但归根结底,他不过是一个努力取悦通用电气的高薪奴隶而已。
- but a labourer today can rightly be called a wage slave. 但是今天的雇佣劳动者完全可以被称为工资的奴隶。
- The slave was strapped to death. 这个奴隶被鞭打死。
- How do they manage to subsist on such a low wage? 他们这点工资怎么糊口?
- He treats his wife like a slave. 他把妻子当作奴隶看待。
- He's discontented with his wage. 他不满于自己的工资。
- The government has introduced a wage freeze. 政府已宣布要冻结工资。
- Most wage claims are settled by compromise. 对提高工资的要求大多都能折衷解决。
- This slave dreamed of becoming a freeman. 这个奴隶梦想着成为一个自由人。
- Do business, but is not a slave to it. 宁做事之主,不为事之奴。
- The company's wage system is coming under review. 即将重新考虑公司的工资制度。
- It is silly to be a slave to social conventions. 对社会习俗盲从是愚蠢的。
- The slave was leathered black and blue. 那个奴隶被抽打得浑身青紫。
- The boss promised a blanket wage increase. 老板答应全面加薪。
- The minimum wage is 4.25 dollars an hour. 最低工价为每小时四点二五美元。
- The boy was caught and sold to be a galley slave. 这个男孩被抓住,并被卖到战舰上做奴隶。
- We have a right to a living wage. 我们有权得到足够维持生活的工资。
- The government has fixed a wage floor. 政府已规定了工资的底限。
- How can I keep a family on such a miserable wage? 我怎么能靠这少得可怜的工资养家?