- I want to be TV's czar of script and grammar. 我想做电视剧本和文法的最高权威.
- vulnerability of script 脚本漏洞
- The supreme of our time is the vulnerability of our plant . 我们这个时代最高的觉悟,便是地球的脆弱。
- JavaScript is one type of script that can be used in an HTML page. JavaScript是一类能用在HTML页面中的脚本。
- We propose the use of script automation to simplify the tasks. 我们提倡使用脚本自动化来简化任务。
- So, basically I have to do a few things, b/c of script issues. 所以,基本上,我要做几件事,二/三的脚本问题。
- In addition兼营humidifier vulnerability of the wholesale and retail. 另外兼营加湿器易损件的批发和零售。
- A pervasive problem is the vulnerability of observational data to distortions and biases. 另外,观察法最常见的问题为资料容易被曲解及有偏差。
- It also shows the vulnerabilities of individuals as well. 这种情况也表明美国的个人极易受到攻击。
- While Brezhnev calmly selected his victim, I reflected on the vulnerability of the greedy. 勃列日涅夫在沉着地选择他的猎物时,我却在深思贪婪之害。
- But the banking collapse also exposed the vulnerability of Iceland's currency, the krona. 但银行业的崩溃也暴露出冰岛克朗的脆弱。
- I felt the vulnerability of humans in front of the unrepeatable natural power of nature. 在大自然不可催败的力量面前你是否也看到了人类的脆弱?
- The lawsuit highlights the potential vulnerability of state-aided banks to political pressures. 此次诉讼强调了国家援助银行政治压力下的潜在脆弱性。
- The sharp downturn is exposing the vulnerability of Japan's export-driven economic recovery. 急剧下跌暴露了日本经济复苏出口上的弱点。
- Beneath the rumbustious surface of his paintings is sympathy for the vulnerability of ordinary human beings. 在他作品的欢闹表面背后含有一种对于弱势普通百姓的同情心。
- In design, we therefore limit the number of central Web facilities to reduce the vulnerability of the Web as a whole. 在设计上,我们避免中心网络设施的项目来减少在整体网络上容易产生问题的可能。
- How to address the vulnerability of developing countries was another important issue placed on the post-Kyoto agenda. 如何说明发展中国家的弱势,这一问题同样被安排在后京都议事日程上。
- GetScriptReferences will return a list of script files your control code will need. GetScriptReferences将返回您的控件代码所需的脚本文件列表。
- The contents for the script element; a string of script statements to run on the client. 元素的内容;要在客户端上运行的脚本语句的字符串。
- Greed operates at all levels,and due to the vulnerability of most information systems,provides ample opportunity to exploit their weaknesses for stupendous profits. 贪婪在各个层面上都起作用,而大多数信息系统存在的薄弱环节则为企图利用这些弱点的人提供了攫取惊人利益的充分机会。