- The current voting procedure should also be retained. 现行的表决程序亦维持不变。
- Does your voting procedure provide for the writing in a candidates'names? 你的选举办法是否容许在选票上加写候选人的名字?
- British voting procedure does not normally provide for the writing in of candidate's names. 英国的选举程序通常对于投非候选人的票的作法未加规定。
- British voting procedure does not normally provide for the writing in of candidates'names. 英国的选举程序通常对投非候选人的票的作法未加规定。
- DHS Chap 9, and "Election Selection: Are we using the worst voting procedure?" Science News, Nov. 2 2002. 章节9,和《电子选举,我们使用了错误的投票机制吗?》科技新闻2002年11月2日。
- The method for conducting business and voting procedure for the board of supervisors shall be prescribed by the articles of association. 第一百二十七条:监事会的议事方式和表决程序由公司章程规定。
- Unless otherwise provided herein, the method for conducting business and voting procedure at the meeting of board of directors shall be prescribed by the articles of association. 第四十九条:董事会的议事方式和表决程序,除本法有规定的以外,由公司章程规定。
- But in the plus of total community hobby, it may appear the Condorcet Pradox and disaccord between different vote procedure. 但是在加总群体偏好中,会出现孔多塞悖论和不同投票程序之间的不自洽。
- Is this really an inequity or injustice in the voting procedure or merely an outgrowth of the fans selecting the starters, which has taken place since 1975? 这真的是投票过程的不公正和不公平还仅仅是自1975年以来球迷选择先发自然发展的结果呢?
- Unless otherwise provided herein, the method for conducting business and voting procedure at a meeting of shareholders'committee shall be prescribed by the articles of association. 第三十九条:股东会的议事方式和表决程序,除本法有规定的以外,由公司章程规定。
- The common character of them is that, member classifier is generated by disturbing feature subspace and model parameters, and the finial decision is made by the majority voting procedure. 其共同特点是,同时扰动输入特征空间和模型参数以产生成员分类器,并利用多数投票法对它们进行组合。
- The discussion methods and voting procedures of the board of supervisors shall be specified in the bylaw unless it is otherwise provided by this Law. 监事会的议事方式和表决程序,除本法有规定的外,由公司章程规定。
- In particular,it examined in detail the council's voting procedures and the procedural arrangements for dealing with bills returned for reconsideration by the Chief Executive. 具体而言,委员会曾详细研究立法会的表决程序,以及处理行政长官发回重议的法案的程序。
- In particular, it examined in detail the council's voting procedures and the procedural arrangements for dealing with bills returned for reconsideration by the Chief Executive. 具体而言,委员会曾详细研究立法会的表决程序,以及处理行政长官发回重议的法案的程序。
- Election officials say that under those standards, voting procedures should be re-examined anytime a candidate or a ballot question got more than 90 percent of the vote. 选务官员说在这标准之下,投票程序将必须重验,不论是任何候选人或是表决问题得到了超过百分之90以上的票。
- Men and women of eighteen and above are eligible to vote. 年龄在十八岁以上的男女有投票表决权。
- Motion to move on to voting procedure 动议开始投票
- The lord vote to amend the bill. 上院投票对议案进行修正。
- We could relax the procedure slightly in your case. 我们可以根据你的情况通融一些。
- The US senate vote against the proposal. 美国参议院投票反对该建议。