- They have canvassed the votes cast carefully. 他们已经认真地检查了选票。
- The number of votes cast or recorded. 投票数投票或被记录选票的数量
- The total of all votes cast in an election. 投票总数一次竞选中的投票总数
- Votes cast for each candidate will be totalled. 每个候选人的选票要被加起来。
- A vote cast by writing in the name of a candidate not on the ballot. 选举人对非原定候选人投的选票
- In order to be elected, a candidate needs only a plurality of the votes cast. 候选人只需要得票最多就能当选。
- An additional count, especially a second count of votes cast in an election. 重计数附加的清点,尤指对某次选举的选票进行的第二次计数
- Subject to the provisions of Article 17 (2),the decisions of the Assembly shall require two thirds of the votes cast. 除适用第十七条第(2)款规定的情况外,大会决议需有所投票数的三分之二票。
- The amount by which the greater number of votes cast, as in an election, exceeds the total number of remaining votes. 多数票占选票的决大多数,例如在选举中超过其余票数和的票数
- But with millions of votes cast in advance, Mr Bush squeaked by in key states like Florida. 但是许多提前投票投了,布什先生通过赢得佛罗里达这样关键的州而险胜。
- As the final results were being tallied it appeared he had won almost two thirds of the total votes cast. 在怀俄明最后清点投票结果的时候,看来奥巴马赢得了将近三分之二的选票。
- So far this year 15% of votes cast on pay in Britain have dissented, compared with 7% last year. 至今为止,相较去年的7%25,英国今年有关薪酬政策的议题中有15%25遭到了否决。
- In a contest of more than two choices,the number of votes cast for the winning choice if this number is not more than one half of the total votes cast. 未超过半数的最多票在一场有两个以上选择的竞争中,获胜者在所得票数未超过全部票数一半的情况下所赢得的票数
- In one way, the victory was a narrow one. The president carried Ohio by just 136,000 votes (or around 2% of the votes cast there). 一方面,这只是一次险胜。总统布什仅以13.;6万张选票(约占俄亥俄州总票数的2%25)的优势拿下了俄亥俄州。
- An application for a recount of the votes cast must be filed with the elections officer with whom filings are made for the jurisdiction. 要求重新点算选票的申请书,必须呈上给接受竞选申报的立法选举区的选举官员。
- In order to win, a PCO must receive at least 10 percent of the total votes cast for the precinct's top vote-getter in his or her party's primary. 若要胜出,一位投选区委员会长必须最少获得投选区内投给党派初选最高得票者的选票总数的百分之十。
- Despite his patchy record Mr Yudhoyono will win outright on the first ballot with more than half of votes cast, according to opinion polls. 尽管尤多约诺总统有一些不光彩的历史,但民意测验显示,他将会在首轮投票中以超过半数选票的优势大举获胜。
- The run-off is necessary, according to the ZEC, because no candidate got more than half the votes cast in the March 29 elections. 该选举委员会说,有必要举行决选,因为在3月29号的选举中没有一名侯选人得到超过半数的选票。
- Usually the small parties collectively poll less than 5 per cent of the vote cast in national elections. 通常小党派合在一起在全国选举是得票低于全国所投票数的5%25。
- Running uncontested, Ma won 92.5 percent of about 300,000 votes cast, the party announced. But turnout was low at 58 percent, it said. 国民党宣布,马英九毫无悬念的赢得了大约300000选票里的92.;5%25,但是投票率低于58%25。