- von Graefe rs disease 进行性眼球麻痹
- Graefe rs disease 进行性眼肌麻痹
- Methods A comparison study was made between 50 patients wearing monocles and 50 patients wearing progressive multi-focal spectacles about their degree of phoria taken with Von Graefe test at the start of wearing the spectacles and 3, 6 months later. 方法用von Graefe法测定50例单光眼镜配戴者及50例渐进多焦近视眼镜配戴者在配戴初,配戴后3、6月隐斜量。
- Measurement of heterophoria of myopic youth by Von Graefe 法测定近视青少年隐斜视
- von Graefe's disease 进行性眼球麻痹
- Von Graefe disease [冯]格雷费病, 进行性眼肌麻痹
- His disease was complicated by pneumonia. 他的病因肺炎并发症而变得更严重。
- bartonellosis Carrion rs disease 巴尔通氏体病
- Bergeron rs disease hysterical chorea 贝尔热隆氏病
- Takayasu rs disease pulseless disease 高安氏病
- Marfan rs disease progressive spastic paraplegia 进行性痉挛性截瘫
- van Grevaldvon Gierke rs disease 冯吉尔克病
- Owren rs disease parahemo philia 奥伦氏病
- mixed cellularity type of Hodgkin rs disease 混合型何杰金氏病
- von Graefe knife 线状刀
- have the memory-sapping Alzheimer rs disease 患有导致记忆衰退的阿尔茨海默氏症
- von Graefe sign 冯·格雷费征(突眼性甲状腺肿时的一种眼征)
- What can we do to prevent the disease spreading? 我们能做什么来防止这种疾病蔓延呢?
- Hodgkin rs disease of lymphocytic depletion type 淋巴细胞消减型何杰金氏病
- von Graefe test [医] [冯]格雷费氏试验(检隐斜视)