- von Braun reaction [化] 冯布劳恩反应
- Once again, von Braun began developing rockets for a military program. 冯·劳恩再次开始为军事目的研制火箭。
- Today, Kay Gallant and I tell the story of space scientist Wernher von Braun. 今天,我和凯·兰特来讲一下空间科学家韦恩赫··劳恩的故事。
- Wernher von Braun(1912-1977) was a romantic person in the field of rocket. 冯.;布劳恩(Wernher von Braun;1912-1977)是20世纪液体燃料火箭技术和宇航工程的开创者和奠基人。
- Wernher von Braun wrote about using a shuttle craft to move men and materials between a rocker ship and space station. 封?波昂就曾经描写过使用航天飞机在火箭和太空站之间运送人和货物。
- At the time, such an idea seemed impossible to almost everyone expect Wernher von Braun. 这种想法在当时,除了韦恩赫··劳恩本人之外,几乎对所有人都是不可思议的。
- There is little question that Wernher von Braun helped make the deadly German military rockets successful. 毫无疑问,韦恩赫··劳恩帮助德国制造了军用火箭。
- By1937, Wernher von Braun was supervising a group of eighty rocket engineers and scientists. 时至1937年,韦恩赫··劳恩率领着一个由80名火箭工程师和科学家组成的小组开展工作。
- Von Braun immediately prepared a report for American intelligence officials about rocket development. 冯·劳恩立即就火箭的研究情况上书美国情报官员。
- During his early years in the United States, Wernher von Braun wrote a book called The Mars Project. 在他来到美国后的最初几年,韦恩赫··劳恩写了一部名叫《火星计划》的书。
- Wernher von Braun and his group spent most of their time developing a long-distance rocket. 韦恩赫··劳恩和他的小组将大部分时间用在研制一种远程火箭之上。
- The rover team tried to drive Spirit onto Home Plate, heading south toward Von Braun and Goddard. 火星车控制小组试着将勇气号往南朝“布劳恩”和“戈达德”驶去。
- von Braun cyanogen bromide reaction [化] 冯布劳恩溴化氰反应
- As a simultaneous alternative to Vanguard, Wernher von Braun and his Army Redstone Arsenal team began work on the Explorer project. 作为一个同时替代先锋火星冯基布劳恩和他的陆军红石兵工厂队开始工作,对探险项目。
- Developing biofuels worldwide to address climate change has been a dominant factor in driving up food prices, as less agricultural land is devoted to food, von Braun said. 据国际粮食政策研究所主题为“当前世界粮食形势:粮价上涨新的驱动力与必要措施”的报告中述,由于气候变化预期会造成全球粮食减产,这种情况对发展中国家的影响更加严重。
- Wernher Von Braun ? 范伯朗博士 Dr.
- At the war’s end, holding thetemporary rank of lieutenant colonel, he debriefed Nazi scientists,including Werner von Braun, and was sent to analyze Hitler’s V-2 rocket facilities. 战争结束后,他被临时授予中校军衔去审问纳粹科学家,包括维尔纳 冯 布劳恩,并且前往研究、分析希特勒的V-2火箭设备。
- The inhibition of hydrogen sodium suflite on maillaid braun reaction 亚硫酸氢钠对美拉德褐变反应的抑制作用
- Could I ask for your reaction to this policy? 我能问一下您对这个政策的反应吗?
- A reactor is a container for chemical reaction. 反应器是进行化学反应的容器。