- voluntary range of motion 随意运动的范围
- Extension of a bodily joint beyond its normal range of motion. 伸直过度身体关节超过正常运动范围的伸展
- JH: How important is range of motion to be successful as an Olympic lifter? 作为一个奥运会举重运动员,动作的幅度对成功有多大的重要性呢?
- It also causes pain, soreness and reduced flexibility or range of motion. 它也会导致疼痛,酸痛,降低身体灵活性和减小运动范围。
- The range of motion increased with the enlarging of head-heck ratio. 头颈比越大,同一安置方位同一方向的活动范围越大。
- Objective: To study the influence of head-neck ratio and implant position on the range of motion (ROM) after total hip arthroplasty (THA). 摘要目的:探讨不同股骨头颈直径比和髋臼安置方位对人工全髋关节活动范围的影响。
- Examination of the right hip showed no acetabular tenderness or edema and revealed a normal range of motion. 右髋检查表明,没有髋臼压痛或水肿,并显示关节活动范围正常。
- Pronation and supination were not restricted in pre- and postoperative range of motion. 旋前及旋后功能在术前及术后均不受限制。
- Motor functions ,upper extremity Rom(range of motion) and arthrodynia were measured by the Fugl-Meyer assessment. 分别于发病一个月内、一个月后按医疗体操编排的动作进行训练 ,采用Fugl Meger评价法评定肢体运动功能、上肢关节疼痛、关节活动度。
- Will Whole-Body Vibration training help increase the range of motion of the hamstrings? 全身震动训练是否有助于腿后肌之关节活动度?
- The active range of motion (AROM) of each finger joints is a useful tool for assessing finger performance. 摘要在探讨病患因手外伤或类风湿性关节炎后手功能的恢复,最常使用的就是关节主动活动度的测量。
- Common findings among patients needing revision were hip pain, decreased range of motion, and functional disability. 病人需要修复手术的共同原因是髋痛,移动范围减小和功能残疾。
- It has come within the range of practical politics. 这就属于可实施性政治的范围了。
- Newton's law of motion apply to all things on the earth. 牛顿时的运动定律适用于地球上一切东西。
- We sell a wide range of ales and stouts. 我们出售种类繁多的浓啤酒和黑啤酒。
- Tarfful's mask included animatronic articulation that allowed his lips and brows to have a greater range of motion. 塔福的面具包括有关节,能让他的嘴唇和眉毛有更大幅度的动作。
- Come and see our range of gardening tools. 来瞧瞧我们的成套园艺工具吧。
- Results: Range of motion was improved slightly or unchanged following claviculectomy. 结果:锁骨切除术后活动度仅轻度提高或无变化。
- In weight training, the overpowered athlete needs to think less about weight and more about range of motion. 力量训练时,这类运动员不必关注重量,而应强调关节活动度。
- Rapidity or speed of motion; swiftness. 迅速,快速运动的快速或速度; 迅速