- Article 98 Voluntary payment of tax by a taxpayer and payment of tax withheld by a tax withholder as provided in this Act shall each be made with a paying-in-slip completed by the payer. 第98条(缴款书)依本法规定由纳税义务人自行缴纳之税款及扣缴义务人扣缴之税款,应由缴款人填用缴款书缴纳之。
- voluntary payment of tax [经] 自动(愿)缴纳税款
- Your application must be received by the IRD not later than 28 days before the due date for payment of tax. 你的申请必须在缴税日期前28日送达税务局。
- Zhang time needed for the payment of tax in accordance with the contracts intermediation costs, otherwise, the court should prosecute. 张某此时不依不饶,要求赵某按照双方签订的合同支付中介费,否则就要上法院起诉。
- He applied the windfall to payment of his mortgage. 他把那笔意外的收入用於偿付抵押。
- The payment of the goods is payable in instalments. 货款可以分期支付。
- Where the offenses specified herein are committed, the tax authorities shall pursue the payment of the amount of tax which has not been paid or underpaid, or is in arrears, or a taxpayer has refused to pay, or has been fraudulently obtained. 对犯本规定之罪的,由税务机关追缴不缴、少缴、欠缴、拒缴或者骗取的税款。
- Where for not more than ten percent of the amount of tax payable, the tax authorities shall pursue the payment of the tax evaded and impose a fine of not more than five times the amount of tax evaded. 偷税数额不满一万元或者偷税数额占应纳税额不到百分之十的,由税务机关追缴其偷税款,处以偷税数额五倍以下的罚款。
- I think you can draw on this account by cheque in payment of goods. 我以为你可用支票提款支付购物费用。
- Article 34 The carrying out of a legacy shall not affect the payment of taxes and debts payable by the legator according to law. 第三十四条 执行遗赠不得妨碍清偿遗赠人依法应当缴纳的税款和债务。
- He made a down payment of $100,000 for the house. 他买这房子第一期付款十万元。
- ZJS can provide customs clearance and tax drawback service for the shipment import& export, as well as advance payment of duty of taxes, THC, and tax refund. 宅急送可以为您提供货物进出口的海关清关、口杂费、税代垫、口退税服务。
- The salesmen is claiming for back payment of unpaid commission. 销售人员正在提出索取尚未支付的佣金的要求。
- Verification of tax payment method. 纳税申报审核评税办法。
- The jungle of tax laws is a headache. 繁复的税则令人头痛。
- ZJS can provide customs clearance and tax drawback service for the shipment import &export, as well as advance payment of duty of taxes, THC, and tax refund. 宅急送可以为您提供货物进出口的海关清关、港口杂费、关税代垫、出口退税服务。
- The management of tax payment II. 纳税管理2。
- The carrying out of a legacy shall not affect the payment of taxes and debts payable by the legator according to law. 执行遗赠不得妨碍清偿遗赠人依法应当缴纳的税款和债务。
- Tickets are issued only against payment of the full fee. 只有付讫全费才可将票发出。
- Purchaser shall not bear any liability for payment of taxes in respect of the above. 无论以上如何条件,买方都不应承担任何付税责任。