- They have been told to keep the volume level down. (对老板)他们被告诫要小声说话。
- Shows the current volume level of your computer. 将显示计算机当前的音量级别。
- Controls the volume level of recorded and play-back sounds. 控制录制声音和播放声音的音量。
- Sound volume level is saved at the end of an emulation session. 声音设置可以保存。
- The music volume level persists between game / reboots. 保持音乐音量在游戏/重启。
- The volume level should not be turned up to the point of distortion. 请不要把音量电平调到高于失真点。
- Drag the Volume slider to change the input volume level for the sound source. 拖移音量滑块以更改声音源的输入音量高低。
- Set the volume level to best suit your preference according to the program. 根据节目信号源将音量调整到最适合您喜好的水平。
- To decrease speaker volume, press the bottom volume button repeatedly until you reach the desired volume level. 减小听筒音量,请重复按下部音量控制键,直到达到理想音量音量控制方向改变。
- To increase speaker volume, press the top volume button repeatedly until you reach the desired volume level. 增大听筒音量,请重复按上部音量控制键,直到达到理想音量。
- The app saves the volume level when exiting and restores it next time is started. 当退出的时候,程序存储音量等级并且在下一次启动的时候还原。
- Level meters can monitor volume levels before, during, and after recording. 音量指示可监视录音前、录音中及录音后的音量大小。
- If the volume level is too high, the speaker protection circuit activates, and the sound level drops suddenly. 如果音量电平太高,扬声器保护电路即起作用而突然地减小声音。
- Volume Control Support: WINRTP supports setting the volume level for the Microphone, Speaker, and each file that is being mixed in the audio streams. 混音支持:文件的音频流。
- You can also set the input volume level for the channel, and turn on monitoring so you can hear the instrument before recording. 您也可以设定这个通道的输入音量,然后打开监听,以便在录制之前可以听到乐器声。
- VolumeCare increases the maximum volume levels for each Treo speaker. 听筒、话筒和耳麦的音量都增加了原有音量的75%25。
- This is not a malfunction. In this case, lower the volume level and wait for a few moments until the unit resumes normal operation. 这并非故障。此时,请调小音量电平并等候片刻至机器恢复正常的操作。
- Decision makers can compute the equal-cost volume of cost-driver activity by setting two cost function equations equal to one another and solving for the volume level. 决策者可以计算成本动因作业的等成本产量,通过建立两个价值函数等式,使其相互相等,进而得到产量水平。
- If you turn down the volume level of the amplifier too low, the auto power on/off function may activate, causing the subwoofer to enter power saving mode. 您如果把放大器的音量电平调得太低,自动电源开/关功能即可能会被激活(打开),而使副低音扬声器进入节电模式。
- This fact is further illustrated by the notion that babies can change the pitch and volume level of their cry to indicate how serious their situation is. 注意婴孩的哭啼非常有效,婴孩啼哭的频度和音量表示了他们所处的不同的情况的严重程度。