- volume integral equations 体积分方程
- Doing area surface and volume integrals. 作面积分和体积分。
- volume integral equation 体积分方程
- This method and two traditional methods are analyzed by integral equations. 应用积分方法对这种方法与2种传统方法进行了比较分析。
- volume integral equation method 体积分方程法
- XMDS is a code generator that integrates equations. XMDS是一个集成了方程式的代码生成器。
- We shall now formulate these integral equations and discuss some of their consequences. 现在我们来表述这些积分方程,并讨论它们的一些结果。
- Needless to say, the method of integral equations and the Green's function technique can also be developed. 无庸赘言,也可以发展积分方程法或格林函数技术。
- The authors discuss the existence of ergodic solutions of some integral equations under the assumption of ergodicity. 在遍历性的假设条件下讨论了一类积分方程遍历性解的存在性。
- To solve the dual integral equations, the displacement on crack surfaces is expanded in a series of Jacobi polynomials. 为了求解对偶积分方程,裂纹面上的位移直接展开成雅可比多项式形式。
- The relation between some differential equations and the integral equations is discussed. 某些微分方程和相应的积分方程之间的关系被讨论;
- The differential equations can be transformed into the integral equations by using the continuous wavelet transform. 这些微分方程通过连续小波变换可被转换成相应的积分方程;
- The discussion on the differential equations can be connected with the discussion on the integral equations. 关于这些微分方程的讨论就与相应的积分方程的讨论联系起来.
- The ellipsoidal coordinates are introduced to solve the unknown displacement and electric potential jumps in the integral equations under uniform loading. 引入椭球坐标系后,得到了均布载荷作用下未知位移间断和电势间断的解析解。
- To solve the dual integral equations, the jumps of the displacements across the crack surfaces are expanded in a series of Jacobi polynomials. 为了求解对偶积分方程,将裂纹面上的位移差函数展开为雅可毕多项式的级数形式。
- The relation between the partial differential equations and the integral equations are discussed by using the continuous wavelet transform. 摘要使用连续小波变换讨论了某些偏微分方程和相应的积分方程之间的关系。
- And many integrable equations arise naturally from motions of curve. 特别地,许多可积方程也都自然地产生于曲线的运动。
- We present a quadrature method for mixed boundary integral equations of stable problems, which provides high accuracy and less complexity. 摘要提出了求积法解稳态问题的混合边界积分方程,它拥有高精度,低复杂度。
- But the abailable first or the second kind of integral equations are illposed, so that the regularization methods are used. 针对该积分方程提出了一种近似分析解法 ,其结果与数值结果符合得相当好。
- The magnetic fields of two neighboring region sare then matched on the common surface to obtain a set of integral equations. 由两相邻区域公共界面上的场匹配条件得谐振腔的色散方程,从而解得腔体的谐振频率,同时可得腔体的特性阻抗和场分布参数。